CV16 Expander
Adds 16 more CV outputs for Notes, Pitches as well as 8 Envelopes and 8 LFO’s which can be
routed to any of the outputs. Additional effects per CV output.
Each output can generate Notes and Pitches from 0 to 10 Volt ( -5 / +5 Volt).
While the Notes can be used for polyphonic sequencing, all other modulations and pitches can be
used to control many destinations. As in general with the expanders, they can be assigned to
multiple tracks.
Additional to the notes the following effects/modulators can be applied for each output:
For each CV output there are Glide settings. These work just like the glide setting on the NerdSEQ
itself with the 2 parameters Speed and Steps.
The Speed decides how fast the glide is and the steps is the resolution of each speed iteration. To
get snappy glides from one note to the other you increase the steps a bit and keep the speed on a
low value. The glide is per CV output and a pitch/note glides in the assigned speed/steps to the
new note. The glide settings can be changed in the track setup or from the FX columns.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 118
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 27: CV16 Expanders