User Interface Screen
This screen is dedicated to change the user interface colours and Font. There are 6 different Fonts
available ranging from Solid to Geek.
As for the Colours, you can change the following User Interface colours:
Background, Lines, Text, Cursor Background, Even Rows, Odd Rows, Scrollbar, Play
Cursor, Record frame, Muted Text, Windows Fill, Windows Lines, Clock Bars
All colours can be edited in their Red, Green and Blue components. On the right side you can view
the selected colour values as well as examples of how the colours would look on the screen.
Use the Save option to save the font and colour settings so they are recalled after a power cycle.
The Reset Colour option resets the colours to the original colour scheme.
Sega Gamepad Mapping Screen
This screen can be entered form the Setup screen. It is used to test a connected Sega Gamepad
(or compatible clones). The pad moving and button presses are visualized here.
Navigtate to the button and change with
to assign the gamepad buttons to
several functions:
A (6 Button) Sega Gamepad is able to provide the following buttons: Start, A, B, C, X, Y, Z and
Mode. Gamepads with additional buttons (like shoulder buttons) are available, but only the
mentioned buttons are compatible with Sega systems.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
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User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022
Figure 25: User Interface Setup Screen