Recording / Live Input / Midi Input
The NerdSEQ has recording facilities with flexible recording sources as well as live manipulations
through the CV/Gate inputs or via Midi. Recording can currently be done step-based. So only
values for each step are being recorded. The needed parameters can be initialized in the Project
screen → Input/Record Setup
The recording/ Live input screen is split in 3 main parts.
Live Input with the 1..4 Input definitions
→ Assign the CV inputs to manipulate several
destinations live.
5 menu items are available here:
Live Input ON/OFF → Enable general Live input for the CV inputs. If turned OFF then the
live input and so the assigned CV input parameters are disabled.
Input 1..4 → While the CV inputs are the sources (0..10 Volt for CV and 0..5 Volt for
Gates/triggers), the destinations can be set on the right side.
Possible Destinations are:
Transpose T1...T8
→ Transposes the CV outputs of tracks 1..8 live while the CV input is
quantized to note scaling. The middle point for the transposition is C-5 (5 Volt input), which
means no transposition. Voltages below will transpose the output down and voltages over 5
Volt will transpose up. Note that transpose must be allowed (track settings) for the tracks to
take effect.
Transpose All
→ same as track transpose, but it affects all tracks together (only tracks
that allow transposing)
Pass to CV, MOD, TRIGGER 1..6
→ The voltage of the CV input is passed (and
overwriting) the CV, MOD output. If trigger is set up as destination, then a threshold will
determine either a Trigger on or a trigger Off. Please be informed that the passthrough is
updated with every change of the input and so the outputs are also updated which will
overwrite a current playing sequence.
Quantize to CV, MOD, TRIGGER
MOD 1..6
→ The voltage of the CV input is quantized to
note scaling and output to the destinations CV 1..6 or MOD 1..6. Only a change of the note
will be passed through to the output. If Trigger is set up as destination, then a threshold will
determine either a Trigger ON or a Trigger OFF.
Position X/Y/Start/Stop
→ ‘Etch A Sketch’ moving of the cursor in the sequencer screen.
NerdSEQ – a tracker based Eurorack sequencer
Page 109
User Manual Revision V1.26 for Firmware V1.26
12 July 2022