XM1630S Software Reference Manual
No. XM1630S-A00-104
xmodus swiss GmbH
10 / 32
3.2.3 Serial/TCP Communication settings:
The dial-in radio button enables TCP access from remote side to the LAN
modem (incoming calls) and enables the modules Telnet data Server. The dial-in
port specifies the port address of the Telnet data server (8000 default).
The dial-out radio button enables Telnet access from the LAN modem to
the remote side (outgoing calls) and enables the Telnet Client. The dial-out port
specifies the port address of the Telnet client (8000 default) and the dial-out IP
address the address of the server to be contacted.
Auto Dial-out:
The Auto dial-out radio button enables automatic Telnet access
from the LAN modem to the remote side (automatic outgoing calls). The
connection is automatically established by either the DTR line (DTR active) or by
presence of data. This is selected by either the “Dial on DTR” or the “Dial on data”
radio buttons.
To make the settings active press the “Modify communication” button.
Save changes:
Permanently saves the new setting.
3.2.4 Serial Escape Scanning:
Serial Escape:
The Serial escape scanning radio button enables the escape to
command mode function. The “Escape sequence” field specifies the characters
used to switch from data to command mode.
3.2.5 General:
Reset all changes to default.
Make changes permanent.
Reset changes
Save changes