14 Dora Ln Holmdel, NJ 07733
Item #0001808
N Diesel DCC/DC Decoder for Kato SD80 and other
Six diesel prime movers with randomly associated locomotive sounds
User selectable 22 different horns and 8 bells
28 accessory functions allowing more sound control than ever
Programmable individual sound volumes
1.0 amp capacity
Programmable for either 2-digit (1-127) or 4-digit (1-9999) addresses
Programmable start voltage
Programmable acceleration rate
Programmable deceleration rate
Programmable top voltage
Programmable 14, 28, 128 speed steps
Selectable factory default speed curve
Supports advanced consisting (CV19)
Supports programming on the main (OPS mode)
Compatible with NMRA DCC standards
Complies with Part 15 of FCC
Speaker included
INSTALLATION: The coder will virtually drop in to a Kato SD80 diesel loco. Remove
the loco body following Kato’s instructions. Remove the original circuit board by
sliding the circuit board slightly to the rear of the chassis and lift it out. The sound
decoder is installed in the same location. First, deburr the chassis any casting flash
that may cause a sharp edge under the location of the insulation tape. Then, using
electrical or equiv plastic tape, carefully tape the chassis in the areas as Fig1
indicated to isolate the decoder from the chassis. This must be done to prevent
damage to the decoder. Align the decoder and carefully insert it in the slots in the
chassis. Don’t bend the decoder too much. Gently press down on the rear of the
decoder while sliding it into position, being careful not to bend the vertical copper
motor contacts on the side of the chassis. Ensure the vertical copper contacts cover
the thin vertical motor contacts. The motor contact must not touch the loco chassis.
Remove the white protective film from the speaker and “stick” it in place as shown.
The decoder installation is complete. When replacing the body, ensure the copper
contacts on the trucks are under the horizontal chassis contacts.
DCC OPERATION: The decoder has been factory programmed with address #3.
F12 will change prime diesel rumble type (CV123, 6 types). Use F19 to select 22
different horns and use F18 to select 8 bells. This decoder has start up and shut
down feature. You must press any function key to start up the engine before
operating the loco. To shut down the engine you must bring the loco to idle and
then press F8 3 times.
DC OPERATION: The decoder provides synchronized diesel rumble sound with
DC operation. Bells, horns, etc., cannot be accessed. Use of the MRC BlackBox
will enable the full range of sounds on a DC system.
When CV29’s bit 4 is set to “1” it will use the speed table formed by CV67-CV94 to control
speed (motor voltage). It allows you to setup each speed for all 28 speed steps. First,
program CV29 to 18 for short addresses (1-127) or program CV29 to 50 for long
addresses (128-9999) to enable speed table control. Then select throttle to 28 speed steps
and run your loco at speed step 1. Use program
CV on the main to change CV67’s value (1-255) to adjust step 1’s speed. The kick voltage,
CV65 is only applied when the speed step changes from 0 to 1. You should switch
between 0 to 1 many times to check step 1’s speed. When done with CV67, select speed
step 2 and program CV68. CV68’s value must be greater then CV67’s. When done with
CV67-CV94, use read back CV to make sure their values are in increasing order. Note:
When using MRC Prodigy DCC to program addresses it will automatically disable the
speed table (set CV29’s bit 4 to “0”). Programming CV125 to 1 will also disable the speed
table and reprogram CV67-CV94 to a default linear speed setting.
TROUBLE SHOOTING: Whenever the decoder doesn’t work, please use the
program track to program CV# 125 with value 1 to restore the decoder to factory
settings. This should bring the decoder to life with address #3. This decoder should
perform well with all DCC systems. Read your DCC system manual to learn how to
program and operate the decoder. For more information about CVs and their
functions, please refer to the NMRA DCC Standard & Recommended Practices,
RP-9.2.2. This is available directly from the NMRA or their website at
Fig 1
tape here chassis slot
chassis slot the tape must cover the top and two sides
Fig 2
vertical motor contact cover motor
contact and can’t touch chassis
contact must set
on wheel pickup
About US
XL Systems Inc has designed and manufactured model rail road products for MRC for more than 20
years. All MRC DCC products are made by XL Systems Inc. All our DCC products are compatible
MRC DCC products. We will introduce more new products to meet customer’s beget. We also provide
installation and special programming and modification for customer. If you have special needs please
contact to us at: [email protected] or [email protected].