The Acoustic Ramp™ Diffuser
Assembly & Installation
Version 1.1 || 12/2/2011
XIX Acoustics
294A Boston Avenue Medford, MA 02155
Congratulations! You now own the best acoustic
diffuser on the market today! There is no better back wall for
your control room, no better treatment for your home theater,
studio or performance space.
The Acoustic Ramp™ is most effective when used in
an array of 2 or more Ramps. The wedge shape of the diffuser
allows the installer to direct reflections away from the sound
source to prevent the mal-effects of comb filtering in the
listening position.
If you are a genius and you never read instructions, you
certainly don't
to read the directions to assemble your
Acoustic Ramp™.
However, if you don’t have an offset screwdriver we
STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you read and follow the
directions to avoid the frustration of not being able to fit your
screwdriver between the dividers. We spent a lot of time
figuring out the easiest, fastest way to assemble the Acoustic
Ramp™ with the fewest possible tools.
Please do let us know if you have found an easier way,
we would love to know about it!