The simulation environment and the test bench must fulfill specific prerequisites before running
simulation using the GTM_DUAL primitives. For instructions on how to set up the simulation
environment for supported simulators depending on the used hardware description language
(HDL), see the latest version of the Ult GTM Transceivers Wizard LogiCORE IP Product
Guide (
) and Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (
The prerequisites for simulating a design with the GTM_DUAL primitives are listed:
• A simulator with support for SecureIP models: SecureIP is an IP encryption methodology.
SecureIP models are encrypted versions of the Verilog HDL used for implementation of the
modeled block. To support SecureIP models, a simulator that complies with the encryption
standards described in the Verilog language reference manual (LRM)—IEEE Standard for
Verilog Hardware Description Language (IEEE Std 1364-2005) is required.
• A mixed-language simulator for VHDL simulation: SecureIP models use a Verilog standard. To
use them in a VHDL design, a mixed-language simulator is required. The simulator must be
able to simulate VHDL and Verilog simultaneously.
• An installed GTM transceiver SecureIP model
• The correct setup of the simulator for SecureIP use (initialization file, environment variables).
• The correct simulator resolution (Verilog).
Ports and Attributes
There are no simulation-only ports on the GTM_DUAL primitives. The GTM_DUAL primitive has
attributes intended only for simulation. The following table lists the simulation-only attributes of
the GTM_DUAL primitive. The names of these attributes start with SIM_.
Table 2: GTM_DUAL Simulation-Only Attributes
If the SIM_RESET_SPEEDUP attribute is set to TRUE (default), an
approximated reset sequence is used to speed up the reset time for
simulations, where faster reset times and faster simulation times are
desirable. If the SIM_RESET_SPEEDUP attribute is set to FALSE, the
model emulates hardware reset behavior in detail.
This attribute selects the simulation version to match different
versions of silicon. The default for this attribute is ULTRASCALE_PLUS.
Chapter 1: Transceiver and Tool Overview
UG581 (v1.0) January 4, 2019
Virtex Ult GTM Transceivers