Chapter 8
Dependencies/Known Issues
This section lists the dependencies and known issues at this time.
• If a Pktgen test is not properly terminated, a cold restart (that is to say, a power cycle of the
server) might be necessary.
• The boot mode does not change from QSPI mode to JTAG mode when a JTAG cable is
• PCIe
remove and rescan operations do not currently work for the T1 card, and might lead to
the card malfunctioning.
• QSPI flash programming works in Vivado
Design Suite 2019.1 for
Ult™ MPSoC, but not for Zynq
Ult™ RFSoC. It works in SDK 2019.1
for both Zynq Ult MPSoC and Zynq Ult RFSoC.
• Dynamic configuration of the FPGA bit file over PCAP might not work as expected and might
reboot the server.
• Flashing the images to Zynq Ult RFSoC QSPI using SDK 2019.1 does not work when
the Zynq Ult RFSoC FPGA status is programmed in Vivado and
Zynq Ult RFSoC PCIe
PFs are visible in the host. SDK gets stuck and there might be
a warm reboot of the host. A similar issue can be seen with Zynq Ult MPSoC devices
as well.
Chapter 8: Dependencies/Known Issues
UG1518 (v1.0) December 17, 2021
T1 Telco Accelerator Card Installation Guide