Spartan-6 FPGA GTP Transceiver Wizard v1.8
UG546 (v1.8) December 14, 2010
Chapter 5:
Detailed Example Design
Directory and File Contents
The Spartan
-6 FPGA GTP Transceiver Wizard core directories and their associated files
are defined in the following sections.
<project directory>
The <project directory> contains all the CORE Generator project files.
<project directory>/<component name>
The <component name> directory contains the release notes file provided with the core,
which may include last-minute changes and updates.
Table 5-1:
Project Directory
Main GTP transceiver wrapper. Instantiates
individual GTP tile wrappers. For use in the
target design.
<component_name>.[veo | vho]
GTP Wrapper files instantiation templates.
Includes templates for the GTP Wrapper
module, the IBUFDS, and essential GTP
support modules (such as TX_SYNC).
Log file from the CORE Generator tool
describing which options were used to
generate the GTP wrapper. An XCO file is
generated by the CORE Generator tool for
each core that it creates in the current project
directory. An XCO file can also be used as an
input to the CORE Generator tool.
Individual GTPA1_DUAL transceiver
wrapper to be instantiated in the main GTP
transceiver wrapper. Instantiates the
selected GTPA1_DUAL transceivers with
settings for the selected protocol.
Table 5-2:
GTP Wrapper Component Name
Release notes for the GTP Wizard.
Protocol description for the selected protocol
from the GTP Wizard.