CAN FD v2.0
PG223 December 5, 2018
Chapter 4:
Design Flow Steps
Clock Management
This section is not applicable for this IP core.
Clock Placement
This section is not applicable for this IP core.
This section is not applicable for this IP core.
Transceiver Placement
This section is not applicable for this IP core.
I/O Standard and Placement
This section is not applicable for this IP core.
For comprehensive information about Vivado simulation components, as well as
information about using supported third-party tools, see the
Vivado Design Suite User
Guide: Logic Simulation
For cores targeting 7 series or Zynq-7000 SoC devices, UNIFAST libraries are not
supported. Xilinx IP is tested and qualified with UNISIM libraries only.
Synthesis and Implementation
For details about synthesis and implementation, see the
Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Designing with IP