Mi Drone
Before using the device read the instructions carefully
• Persons under 18 years old and incapable persons are prohibited to use quadcopter.
• During use ensure a safe distance between quadcopter and people, animals, trees, cars and buildings. Manage your device carefully if there are
people nearby.
• Do not use quadcopter near airfields, railways, highways, high-rise buildings, power lines and other dangerous objects.
• Do not use quadcopter close to the cellular base stations, antennas of ultrahigh power and other areas of electromagnetic signals.
• Place of take-off, height and distance of the flight of quadcopter must meet legal regulations and restrictions.
• Do not use quadcopter in places, where the operation is prohibited by law and not violate time limits its use.
• In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, follow the safety rules of quadcopter use.
Scan and install Mi Drone АРР
Introductory course of flight
Online map
Real time Aerial Photography