UltraLo-1800 Alpha Particle Counter
Page 54
Detailed Description
This section is intended to be a very thorough walkthrough of the experience of using
CounterMeasure for routine tasks.
Starting the App
Upon starting CounterMeasure you’ll see a loading screen while the software attempts to
communicate with the hardware. This will take several seconds. You will be able to tell if the connection
was successful based on the presence or absence of the “no connection” icon in the bottom-left corner,
near the status icons. If you cannot connect to the counter, see
Diagnostics Panel
Thresholds and Traces: Before starting a run there are a few things to check to ensure that the
UltraLo-1800 is performing as expected. The first is to double-check that the thresholds are set
appropriately (175 on the Anode and 0 on the Guard is standard). Once set they should not change on
their own, but it is good to check anyway. The second is to take a few traces on both the Anode and
Guard at various time steps. This allows the user to become familiar with the noise environment in the
detector and notice changes in noise more quickly. For examples of noise on diagnostic traces and for
more information about how to use the diagnostics panel to spot noise, see
Main Panel
Begin: If you are not changing samples please skip the next three steps and begin at “Start Run”.
Eject tray: To change samples: hit the
Swap Samples: Remove the old sample, put on the new sample, all while being careful not to
contaminate the sample. For more information see
. In brief: do not handle the sample
directly; use new gloves or cleaned tweezers; and be careful to clean all sample-handling instruments
Close tray: Gently push the tray all the way back into the counter, until it hits its stop. Hit the
“Close” button in the Tray Control Dialog.
Start run: The next step is to start the run. If a purge is required (that is, if the sample was switched,
the most common case), just hit the “Start Run” button on the Main Panel to launch the Start Run
dialog. In the Start Run dialog choose the duration of the run (this does not include the purge time),
choose the most appropriate electrode size, and fill in any custom parameters. After that the purge will
happen automatically, and when it finishes the run will start.
Watch Data: During and after the run the information on the Main Panel can be extremely useful.
The headline emissivity number is the goal of the measurement, but the graphs also provide other
useful diagnostic information. For instance, if the Emissivity vs. Time graph shows a large drop through a
run, there may be contamination from radon (see
for more information). The spectrum can give
information on the specific isotopes in the sample. If there is a significant change over the course of the