European Union
Some equipment may be used in both a domestic/household and a professional/business application.
Hoouusseehhoolldd EEnnvviirroonnm
Application of this symbol on your equipment is confirmation that you should not
dispose of the equipment in the normal household waste stream.
In accordance with European legislation, end of life electrical and electronic equipment subject to
disposal must be segregated from household waste.
Private households within EU member states may return used electrical and electronic equipment to
designated collection facilities free of charge. Please contact your local disposal authority for
In some member states, when you purchase new equipment, your local retailer may be required to
take back your old equipment free of charge. Please ask your retailer for information.
Buussiinneessss EEnnvviirroonnm
Application of this symbol on your equipment is confirmation that you must dispose of
this equipment in compliance with agreed national procedures.
In accordance with European legislation, end of life electrical and electronic equipment subject to
disposal must be managed within agreed procedures.
Prior to disposal, please contact your local reseller or Xerox representative for end of life take-back
Coolllleeccttiioonn aanndd D
Diissppoossaall ooff EEqquuiippm
meenntt aanndd B
These symbols on the products and/or accompanying documents mean that used electrical
and electronic products and batteries should not be mixed with general household waste.
For proper treatment, recovery, and recycling of old products and used batteries, please take them to
applicable collection points, in accordance with your national legislation and the Directive 2002/96/EC
and 2006/66/EC.
By disposing of these products and batteries correctly, you will help to save valuable resources and
prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the environment which could otherwise
arise from inappropriate waste handling.
For more information about collection and recycling of old products and batteries, please contact your
local municipality, your waste disposal service or the point of sale where you purchased the items.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with national legislation.
C600 Color Printer
User Guide