Convenience Authentication
When Convenience Authorization is enabled, users swipe a pre-programmed identification card
through a Proximity Card Reader at the control panel. To use this method, purchase and install a USB
card reader and an authentication server that supports the Xerox
Convenience Authentication API.
Smart Card
When a Common Access Card system is installed on your Xerox device, access to the printer requires
the use of a Smart Card. There are several models of card readers that are compatible with your
device. To access the printer, insert the pre-programmed identification card into the reader, or place
your card on the reader. If extra security credentials are required, enter the login information at the
control panel.
For more information about configuring a Common Access Card system on your device, refer to the
Common Access Card System Configuration Guide
IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo A
Xerox Apps are a gateway to the features and functions of your device. Standard Apps are already
installed on the device and appear on the Home screen. Some Apps are installed as standard, but
hidden the first time you use the device.
When you log in, the Apps configured for your personal account appear on the control panel.
You can download more Apps for your device from the Xerox
App Gallery. For more information,
refer to
maattiioonn PPaaggeess
Your printer has a set of information pages that you can print. These pages include configuration and
font information, demonstration pages, and more.
The following Information Pages are available:
Configuration Report
The Configuration Report provides printer information
including installed options, network settings, port setup, tray
information, and more.
Billing Summary Report
The Billing Summary Report provides information about the
device and a detailed listing of the billing meters and sheet
Supplies Usage Report
The Supplies Usage Report provides coverage information and
part numbers for reordering supplies.
PostScript Font List
The PostScript Font List provides a printout of all PostScript
fonts that are available on the printer.
PCL Font List
The PCL Font List provides a printout of all PCL fonts that are
available on the printer.