Managing color on the Fiery
Detailed explanations of how these and other settings affect your print jobs are
provided in subsequent sections of this chapter.
Combine Separations
The Combine Separations setting allows you to specify how to print separated CMYK
data. The Combine Separations options are:
prints each separation individually.
combines separations as a single, composite-color document, and automatically
makes these settings for the following print options: Color Mode (CMYK),
Rendering Style (None), Pure Black Text/Graphics (Off ), Spot Color Matching
(Off ), and Black Overprint (Off ).
For information about using the Combine Separations option with applications such
as Adobe Photoshop, see the
Spot Color Matching
(Default in Setup or ColorWise Pro Tools)
The On setting enables Fiery-defined matching of spot colors to their best
CMYK equivalents. Off instructs the Fiery to match color output to a CMYK
combination specified by the source application for the
document (see
Text and Graphics Enhancement
The On setting sharpens the edges of text and vector graphics.
Screen Switching
If you choose Off, all objects on the page will use a low-frequency screen. If
you choose On, text will use a high-frequency screen and graphics and image
objects will use a low-frequency screen.
Image Smoothing
Automatic/Off/On/Below 90–300 ppi
The On setting enhances the print quality of low-resolution images.
This option enhances the sharpness and reduces jagged edges. To increase the
sharpness for printing image data such as photographs, select Sharper. To print
text or bitmap graphics, select Normal.
Black Detection
If your job consists of black-only text pages combined with a significant
number of color pages, set this option to Off.
Copier Mode
Select Photo if the file is a photograph; select Map if the file is a combination
of text and photographs.
Fiery color print option
What it does