Each routine maintenance item includes installation instructions.
Routine maintenance items for this printer include the following:
• Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge
• Drum Cartridge
Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to specific
printer models or configurations.
TToonneerr CCaarrttrriiddggeess
GGeenneerraall PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss ffoorr tthhee TToonneerr CCaarrttrriiddggee
• When you replace a toner cartridge, be careful not to spill the toner. If any toner spills,
avoid contact with clothes, skin, eyes, and mouth. Do not inhale the toner dust.
• Keep toner cartridges out of the reach of children. If a child accidentally swallows toner,
have the child spit out the toner, and rinse the mouth with water. Consult a physician
• Use a damp cloth to wipe off spilled toner. Never use a vacuum cleaner to remove spills.
Electric sparks inside the vacuum cleaner can cause a fire or explosion. If you spill a large
volume of toner, contact your local Xerox
• Never throw a toner cartridge into an open flame. Remaining toner in the cartridge can
catch fire and cause burn injuries or an explosion.
B1025 Multifunction Printer
User Guide