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Страница 1: ...Xerox Extended Symbol Xerox 530 and Sigma 2 3 Computers Language and Operations Reference Manual 90 10 52F...

Страница 2: ...1972 Xerox Corporation Xerox Extended Symbol Xlerox 530 and Sigma 2 3 Computers language and Operations Reference Manual 90 10 52F Apri I 1976 XEROX File No 1X23 XH36 Rev 0 Printed in U S A...

Страница 3: ...90 10 37 Xerox Real Time Batch Monitor RBM OPS Reference Manual 90 1555 Xerox Real Time Batch Monitor RBM Userls Guide 90 1960 Xerox Symbol LN OPS Reference Manual 90 10 51 Manual Content Codes BP bat...

Страница 4: ...35 Symbol Tables ___ 10 LBL 35 Absolute and Relocatable Values 11 LIST 35 Symbols 11 LOCAL 36 Expres ions 11 PAGE 37 PCC 37 REF 37 3 XEROX 530 AND SIGMA 2 3 MACHINE S STEP 37 INSTRUCTIONS 13 SET 38 S...

Страница 5: ...Deck Setup for Assembling Multiple Assembler Diagnostics 57 Programs Using the BA Option 54 F1ags 57 Error Messages 58 5 Deck Setup for Assembl ing Multiple Assembly Listing 63 Programs Without BA Opt...

Страница 6: ...ective 40 9 LOC Directive ___ 25 31 Procedure Definition Procedure Reference 42 lO BOUND Directive __ 25 32 Procedure Loca I Symbol Regions 43 1l RES Directive ___ 26 33 ABS Function 44 12 ASECT and C...

Страница 7: ...e processor under control of the Real Time Batch Monitor It is intended for use as a reference document by experienced programmers and does not aim to be a programming primer It is assumed that the re...

Страница 8: ...failure oc curs or one of the assembler tables is exceeded EXTENDED SYMBOL LANGUAGE The Extended Symbol language is comprised of a set of com mands and the qualifying rules for constructing program st...

Страница 9: ...assembler in defining symbols The load location counter is used for linking externa I symbol references The common location counter is affected only by the COMMON directive Common symbols may be 2 Ex...

Страница 10: ...tines M POP and various mathematica I sub routines L ATAN to avoid any potential conflict with user symbols SYMBOLS Characters are combi ned to form symbols Symbols provide programmers wi th a conveni...

Страница 11: ...TEXT TEXTC and TITLE directives in Chapter 6 include positioning infor mation pertinent to character strings used with these direc tives In all other usages character strings must not contain Ii Langu...

Страница 12: ...cimal Value FS l I 41100000 Floating point short constants have a magnitude in the range 5 398xlO 79 to 7 237xl075 i e 16 65 to 1663 1649 with the associated precision of 6 significant digits That is...

Страница 13: 3 Less than or equa I 3 Greater than or equa I 3 Equal 3 Not equal 2 Logical AND II 1 Exclusive logical OR I 1 Inclusive logical OR 6 Language Elements Logical Operators The logical NOT or compleme...

Страница 14: ...E2 E1 E2 E1 E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 El E2 E1 II E2 and Ell E2 are all expressions 5 Externa I and forward procedure local references may occur only as single termed expressi...

Страница 15: ...y be used for identification and a sequence number The col umns on the codi ng sheet correspond to those on a standard 80 column card one line of coding on the form can be punched into one card Extend...

Страница 16: ...ons and assembler directives recognized by the assembler are listed in Appendixes A and B respectively An argument entry consists of one or more symbols con stants Iiterals or expressions separa red b...

Страница 17: ...e Only the GOTO LOCAL REF SREF DEF GEN GEN1 GEN2 ADRL and DATA directives may use forward references 10 Processing of Symbols Externa I References A reference made to a symbol that is defined in a pro...

Страница 18: ...during the generation pass entries into symbol tables occur during the definition If the iymbol is not in any active symbol t ble the assembler enters its name and con trol information in the appropr...

Страница 19: relocatable or common relocat able depending on which counter is equal to 1 Any other accumulation in the two relocation coun ters is an error and results in a diagnostic frag Example 2 Expression...

Страница 20: ...ion is active 8 c designates a count used with the Shift instruction 9 s designates the source register used with the Copy instruction 10 d designates the destination register used with the Copy instr...

Страница 21: ...placed in a literal pool within self relative addressing range of the instruction that references the literal By this process ad dress va lues that otherwise would be out of range for the instruction...

Страница 22: ...uctions wi II generate an SMP 6 2 instruc tion and the second instruction wi II use the corresponding single precision form e g LDA x b for LDD etc Mnemonic Function LDD Load Double STD Store Double C...

Страница 23: ...32 bit accumulator with register6 to the left of register 7 Arithmetic shift Circulur shift Right shift Left sh ift The form for the Shift instruction is OP 1 2 ji4 16 Conditional Branch Shift Copy In...

Страница 24: ...ive OR and Increment Regist er AND and Increment Register Copy and Carry Register Add cmd Carry Register OR and Carry Register Exclusive OR and Carry Register AND and Carry Register Clear and Add Regi...

Страница 25: ...the instruction starting with the displacement value given The core mem ory locationwhose address equals the effective address is re ferred to as the effecti ve location and its contents are the effec...

Страница 26: ...invoked by the assembler it is performed after the reference address has been determined and before post indexing if specified is applied BASE Base Relative Address Control The Extended Symbol program...

Страница 27: ...o the contents of the base register is generated if both of the following are true a The base tag of the instruction is set to 1 b The value of the instruction s argument is absolute and in the range...

Страница 28: ...oint AL LABL X lO BL LABL X 7C CL LABL XI2CA Note that X 2CA X FF 255 Instruction is generated as LDA X 10 1 Instruction is generated as STA X 7C 1 Instruction is generated with indirect address point...

Страница 29: ...s but no more than k literals are then immedi atelyallocated If there are more than k literals the excess literals will be placed in the next available literal pool If k is absent the assembler is dir...

Страница 30: as if the address literal were invob d by fhe assembler The ADRL directive also provides a method for transmitting data addresses to subroutines For example if the items A B and C are required by a...

Страница 31: ...s will be used In order to execute properly the program must be stored in core as follu vs 0000 lFFF 2FFF Main Program Desired Output Routine To be used for data storage during program execution Each...

Страница 32: ...directive is the some as ORG except that it affects only the execution location counter Example 9 LOC Directive ORG LOC 100 1000 Sets the execution location counter and load location counter to 100 Se...

Страница 33: ...xtended Symbol di rective affects the common location counter which is automatically set to zero at the beginning of an assembly The COMMON directive does not clear the reserved area Common symbols ma...

Страница 34: ...owed by an ORG statement to designate he initial relocatable value to which the location counters are set The argument field is ignored by the assembler If neither ASECT nor CSECT is declared CSECT is...

Страница 35: ...ld entry is the directive itself For some directives this field may consist of two subfields in which case the directive must be in the first subfield followed by the other entry Argument field entrie...

Страница 36: ...mal 0000 0000 0218 0009 FFFF COl F FFEA 00E7 4110 C4E2 DEF Declare External Definitions The DEF directive declares which symbols defined in this assembly may be referenced by other separately assemble...

Страница 37: ...sed the number oftimes specified by the count d Terminates control of the DO loop and resumas assembly at the statement following the FIN If the expression in the DO directive is not evaluatable i e i...

Страница 38: ...C 1 IC ABEL 1 LABEL Terminate loop Resume assembly after FIN yes IC Interna I counter LABEL Label if present on DO line EXP The result of evaluating expression on DO line yes Assemble until FIN no yes...

Страница 39: ...n the DO directive is evaluated as a negativa or zero val ue then in Form 1 block 1 is skipped block 2 is assembled once and assembly is resumed following the FIN Form 2 block 1 is skipped and assembl...

Страница 40: ...le of 16 value list is a list of expressions that define the contents of each generated field This Iist may conta in forward and externa I references The value represented by the value list is assembl...

Страница 41: ...nts are assembled The GOTO directive has the form Label Command Argument GOTO k label labeI2 label n where k is an absolute evaluatable no forward or exter nal references integer valued expression If...

Страница 42: ...ude a subset of characters in the EBCDIC character set This subset is restricted to alphanumeric charac ters blank and those printing characters whose internal codes are within the range X 4A I throug...

Страница 43: ...Y and Z are to be local to the region beginning with the Iine START The final LOCAL direc tive terminateS I e local symbol region and erases the local symbol table without declaring any new local symb...

Страница 44: ...embly sting as they occur before being executed by the Extended Symbol processor REF Declare Externa I References The REF directive declares which symbols referenced in this assemb Iy are defined in s...

Страница 45: ...s used subsequent to the generation of any object code in the program 38 Extended Symbol Directives Use of the BOUND LOC ORG and RES directives is allowed although this is a highly questionable practi...

Страница 46: ...Text with Count The TEXTC directive enables the user to incorporate a character string preceded by a character count in a pro gram This directive has the form Command TEXTC where Ilabel and cs have t...

Страница 47: ...of a new page and to print CARD READ PUNCH ROUTINE there and on each suc ceeding page unti I the next TIT LE directive is encoun tered The next directive causes a skip to a new page and the output of...

Страница 48: ...that replace each occurrence of the procedure refere 1ce CNAME Procedure Name The CNAME directive assiigns a nome to the procedure def inition immediately following and has the form Command CNAME wher...

Страница 49: ...d in 42 Procedure References P ocedure Loca Symbol Regions statements of the procedure body via the intrinsic function AF see Intrinsic Functions in this chapter Note that any argument that affects th...

Страница 50: ...rocedure is referenced more than once in a single as sembly symbols defined within rhe procedure except by a SET directive must be declared LOCAL If not these sym bols will be multidefined Example 32...

Страница 51: ...sterisk The format of this function is AFA element number where AFA identifies the function element number specifies which argument in the procedure reference argument field is to be tested Element nu...

Страница 52: ...the value wi II be replaced by zero AT Argument Type The AT function returns an integer code that denotes the IItype ll of the specified argument AT is not restricted to use within procedures Its form...

Страница 53: ...Operation with literal address PEND PEND LDAI 13 LDAI 17 CF Command Field The CF function refers to the argumenis in the command field of a procedure reference statement Its format is CF element numbe...

Страница 54: ...refer ence when it is known that the value will not affect addrcss assignm0nt The UFV functiop is uS0d to achieve this During the definition pass pass 1 of the assembler UF returns the valuc integer...

Страница 55: ...1 AF 3 The procedure reference has the genera I form TOTE ADDRS N ANS where ADDRS represents the address of the first value in the table N is the number of va Iues to sum 48 Sample Procedures ANS repr...

Страница 56: ...AF 3 E A T E Note The EXCH procedure destroys the original con tents of the T register but not the E register If a procedure reference to EXCH is EXCH NEW 1 the equivalent symbolic code is RCPY E T RC...

Страница 57: ...KP LP MT RAD or disk 50 Operations Operational Label GO LL LO SI SO 52 UI Descri pti on Bi nary output fi Ie for load and go operations 120 byte records Default is RAD or disk May be CP MT or PT Listi...

Страница 58: ...tance an assembly in which the BT area is to be used as the BO file could precede the XSYMBOL com mand with DEFINE BO 100 120 ITEMP S XSYMBOL CONTROL COMMAND The Extended Symbol assembler is called in...

Страница 59: ...rst line 5 No TITLE control command is available in this program 52 RBM Control Commands 6 Duplicate definitions of symbols are included as refer ence lines 7 If the SO option has not been specified l...

Страница 60: ber of lines to be inserted does not have to equa I the number of Iines removed in fact the number of lines to be inserted may be zero In this case lines j through k are deleted END where END desig...

Страница 61: ...Figure 4 Deck Setup for Assembling Multiple Programs Using the BA Option Figure 5 Deck Setup for Assembling Multiple Programs Without BA Option 54 Updating a Source Program...

Страница 62: ...IEOD 51 Device Input L C Device Input _ _ _ _ _ Figure 6 Deck Setup for Lh n j t I Uf Optior V ith f he BA Option Updating a Source Program 55...

Страница 63: ...Source deck 1 51 Device Input C Device Input Figure 7 Deck Setup for Using the UI Option Without the BA Option 56 Updating a Source Program...

Страница 64: ...words The first load item in an object module is a start module item and the last item other than record padding is an end module item Every load item header word has the same general format Bits 0 3...

Страница 65: ...eR Z UPOATE CeNFL1CT 5 S UPCATE EIitReR b 3 1 1000 1000 8 iNO ABeRT ASSEMBLY AT LtNF 1 UPDATE ceNTReL CAAO fRReR lBeRT ceDE XS Lee ee T 000 17 06 07 1 0010 F N If an error causes an abort the resultin...

Страница 66: ...tes that an insufficient number of blocking buffers was allocated for XSYMBOL when it was loaded The assembly is aborted immediately 1 ABORT ASSEMBLY AT LINE y Output or scratch devi ce xx is write I...

Страница 67: ...a lid devi ce The assembly is aborted immediately ABORT ASSEMBLY AT LINE y LO SO CONFLICTS WITH LU OPTION The LO and 50 operational labels have been assigned to the same devi ce when the LU option is...

Страница 68: ...bels have been assigned to the same device when the UI option is specified The as sembly listing on Xl would not cor respond to the actual updated listing The assembly is aborted immediately r ABORT A...

Страница 69: ...r the update command j k This error message is printed di rectly after the update control card in error The assembler continues pro cessing the rest of the update deck so that any further update contr...

Страница 70: 3 a user title if specified in print positions 10 to 73 and the decimal page number in 95 to 104 as IIPAGE nnnnn II If Job Accounting is included in RBM the time at which the assembly began is ins...

Страница 71: ...summary EOl 3 j 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 EXTENDED SYHBOL SA llJ LE PR0C R H k 0000 STURE 2 J 0001 A P 0002 A L i OOCA OOCA M jRITE OOCE OOCD M T RM TITLE UEF h EF CNA 1I1E PROC STA...


Страница 73: ......

Страница 74: ...x b Load Accumu lator LDX x b Load Index MUL x b Multiply RD x b Read Direct S x b Shift STA x b Store Accumulator SUB x b Subtract WD x b Write Direct GENERAL REGISTER SET Mnemonic Syntax Functi on A...

Страница 75: ...a Branch if Accumulator RCLAI s d Register Clear Add and Zero Increment BEN ma Branch if Extended RCPY s d Register Copy Accumulator Negative BIX Branch on Incrementi ng RCPYC s d Register Copy and Ca...

Страница 76: ...s omitted or if expression is not specified the assembler will not automatically impose base relative addressing Advances execution location counter to the next word multiple of expression and advance...

Страница 77: ...recrive if expression is nonzero assem bly listing is enabled Advances the execution location counter to the value expressiol Terminates existing local symbol region and initiates a new region in whic...

Страница 78: ...if the programs whose labels it references are in core memory Causes an interruption of input from the 51 device 36 Assembles lies character string constant in EBCDIC for 38 mat for use as data Same...

Страница 79: ...L _____ __ X _____________ _X_ ____ __ __ _ _____I iS fr _ _ _ _ r s t t_ 1 _ t l t t ____ X _ _ jf _I ORG I Xii X X X f r _ t_ 1 _ PAGE X X _ X _ _ __ _ r 1t ____ ___ _ X _ I PEND X X 1 f r t PROC X...

Страница 80: ...gnosed with different error flags 2 Literal pools may be inconsisl ent in size and order 3 The LOC directive in Extended Symbol does not create an automatic Iiteral pool 4 Available locations in a pre...

Страница 81: ...trol commands with errors appropriately flagged or ony illegal cords in the input deck that precede the first local region Illegal cards following the first local re9ion will b logged after the local...

Страница 82: ...lank or incorrectly specified the control command wi II be ignored and an invalid card alarm output on the LO device The si fie ld is optional If the Si field on one card cannot accommodate all the de...

Страница 83: ...manual One difference between Concordance and Extended Symbol i that Extended Symbol ignores the label field on certain directives for example the PAGE directive whereas Concordance always processes...

Страница 84: ...n is not imposed upon the actual hardware instructions Load Double LDD LDA RCpv LDA Store Double STD STA RCPY STA LDA t Double Add DAD RCPY ADD LDX RADDC RCPY t Double Subtract DSB RCPY SUB LDX RADDC...

Страница 85: ......

Страница 86: ...FNUM function 46 CFR function 47 character string constants 4 characters 3 CNAME directive 41 28 69 72 command entry 9 comment lines 9 comments entry 9 COMMON directive 26 11 24 38 69 72 common locati...

Страница 87: ...ession 5 EXCL 75 execution location counter 2 expressions 5 11 external definitions 1 externa references 1 F fie Ids 8 FIN directive 29 32 28 33 41 69 72 fixed point decimal constants 4 flags 57 80 In...

Страница 88: ...1 processor extended symbol program format standard object 57 program sections 26 24 programming features 1 R REF directive 37 10 28 38 70 72 reference address 18 references external 10 forward 10 pr...

Страница 89: ...hereafte r are listed i n numeri ca I order u UFV 47 43 update error messages 53 58 61 63 updating source program 53 56 58 Uloption deck setup 49 51 53 55 56 59 61 63 y values absolute and relocatable...

Страница 90: ...Clear o Reference o Malntalnin o Operating What is your overall ra tlng of this public iltlon What is your occupation o Very Good o Fair o Very Poor o Good o Poor Your other comments ma be entered her...

Страница 91: ...ed forms Attn Programming Publ icat ions Fold BUSINESS REPLY MAIL No postage stamp necessary If mailed in the United States Postage will be paid by Honeywell Information Systems 5250 W Century Bouleva...

Страница 92: ...ormation Sye eme In U S A 200 SlMh Street MS 486 W llham M achusefta 02154 In Cw eda 202 ShIIpperd A Ea Willowdale Ontario M2J 1W5 InMexico AvenidaNuew Leon 250 Mexico t D F 21881 2C87S Printed In U S...
