1226 R830002-1060
XDS Pro Users Guide
Rev A
6.1.2 The Tuner Tab
The Tuner Tab presents the user with tuner related data. This data include:
The frequency the tuner is tuned to.
The tuner‟s symbol rate.
The locked or unlocked status of the tuner.
The acquisition state of the tuner: acquiring, tracking, or fade.
Eb/No, or
energy per bit relative to noise floor
(see section 4.2).
AGC, or
automatic gain control
(see section 4.2).
Fade count of the tuner.
The number of Reed-Solomon errors that the tuner has ecountered.
The LNB offset the tuner is currently using.
The on or off status of the LNB.
The fade count and Reed-Solomon errors can be reset by pressing the Clear Statistics