Model RX569
For use with the POWERMID Receiver Model RE549
Lets you place the POWERMlD on top of a TV
Lets you place the POWERMID beside a stereo
Lets you place the POWERMID inside a cabinet
Lets you use the POWERMID in locations where
you can’t easily locate it in front of the item you
want to control
Plug the RX569 Extender into
back of the RE549 Receiver.
Place the RX569 in front of the TV, cable box, CD player etc.
that you want to control. Point the RX569 at the TV etc. You can
place the RX569 up to 10 feet away from the TV etc.
Use the self-adhesive tape on the back of the RX569 to attach it
to the inside of a cabinet door if desired.