Basic Configuration
5.3.2. The Invalid Access Lockout Feature
When properly configured and enabled, the Invalid Access Lockout feature can watch
all login attempts made via SSH connection, Telnet connection, web browser or the
serial SetUp Port. If the counter for any of these exceeds the user-defined threshold for
maximum invalid attempts, then the corresponding port or protocol will be automatically
disabled for the length of time specified by the Lockout Duration parameter.
When Invalid Access Attempt monitoring is enabled for the serial SetUp Port, the RSM-
8R will count invalid access attempts at the serial SetUp Port. If the number of invalid
access attempts exceeds the defined Lockout Attempts trigger value, the RSM-8R will
lock the serial SetUp Port for the defined Lockout Duration period. When Invalid Access
Attempt monitoring for SSH, Telnet or Web are selected, a lockout will be triggered
when the number of invalid access attempts during the defined Lockout Duration period
exceeds the defined Hit Count for the protocol. For example, if the SSH Hit Count is set
at 10 and the SSH Lockout Duration period is set at 120 seconds, then if over 10 invalid
access attempts are detected within 120 seconds, the RSM-8R will then lock out the
MAC address that generated the excessive attempts for 120 seconds.
Note that when an Invalid Access Lockout occurs, you can either wait for the Lockout
Duration period to elapse (after which, the RSM-8R will automatically reactivate the port
or protocol), or you can issue the /UL command (type /UL and press [Enter]) via the
Text Interface to instantly unlock all RSM-8R logical network ports and communication
• When the Serial Port Invalid Access Lockout Alarm has been enabled as
described in Section 7.5, the RSM-8R can also provide notification via email,
Syslog Message, and/or SNMP trap whenever an Invalid Access Lockout
occurs at the serial port.
• If the Network Port has been locked by the Invalid Access Lockout feature, it
will still respond to the ping command (providing that the ping command has
not been disabled at the Network Port.)
The Invalid Access Lockout configuration menus allow you to select the following
Serial Port Protection:
Enables/Disables the Invalid Access Lockout function for
the serial SetUp Port and selects lockout parameters. When this item is enabled
and excessive Invalid Access attempts are detected at the SetUp Port, the SetUp
Port will be locked until the user-defined Lockout Duration period elapses, or until
the /UL command is issued.
Serial Port Protection:
Enables/Disables the Invalid Access Lockout feature for
the serial SetUp Port. (Default = On.)
Lockout Attempts:
The number of invalid attempts that must occur in order to
trigger the Invalid Access Lockout feature at the serial SetUp Port. (Default = 9.)
Lockout Duration:
This option selects the length of time that the serial SetUp
Port will remain locked when Invalid Access Lockout occurs. If the duration is
set at "Infinite", then ports will remained locked until the /UL command is issued.
(Default = 30 Minutes.)