Telnet & SSH Functions
10.4. Creating an Outbound Telnet Connection
The RSM-8R includes a /TELNET command, that can be used to create an outbound
Telnet connection. In order to use the /TELNET command, you must access the
RSM-8R's Text Interface command mode using an account that permits Telnet Access
and Outbound Access, via one of the RSM-8R's Serial RS232 Ports as
described below.
• In order for the /TELNET command to function, Telnet Access and Outbound
Service Access must be enabled for your user account as described in
Section 5.5.
• If you have logged in via the Network Port, the /TELNET command will not
To create an outbound Telnet connection, access the Text Interface via a free Serial Port,
using an account that permits Telnet Access and Outbound Access and then invoke the
/TELNET command using the following format:
/TELNET <ip> [port] [raw]
Is the target IP address.
Is an optional argument which can be included to indicate the target port
at the IP address.
Is an optional argument which can be included to indicate a raw socket
connection. In order to create a raw socket connection, the command line
must end with the text "
For example, to create a raw socket, outbound Telnet connection to port 2000 at IP
Address, access the Text Interface command mode via a free
RSM-8R Serial Port using an account that permits Telnet Access and Outbound Access
and invoke the TELNET command as follows:
/TELNET 2000 raw