Maintenance operations require trained and qualified personel.
The maintenance schedule is given as a guide. Under severe conditions, the frequency of
maintenance must be increased.
Initial oil change should be performed after first twenty (20) hours of use. Thereafter change oil every
100 hours. Before changing the oil, check for a suitable way to dispose of the old oil. Do not pour
it down sewage drains, onto garden soil or into open streams. Your local zoning or environmental
regulations will give you more detailed instructions on proper disposal.
10. ‘‘hoW-to’’ MaIntenance
10.1. enGIne oIL chanGe
Change engine oil every 100 hours. (For new engine, change oil after 20 hours.)
1. Drain oil by removing the drain plug and the oil
filler cap while the engine is warm.
2. Reinstall the drain plug and fill the engine with oil
until it reaches the upper level on the oil filler cap.
Oil Drain Plug
Use fresh and high quality lubricating oil to the specified level as directed on page 9. If contaminated
or deteriorated oil is used or the quantity of the engine oil is not sufficient, the engine damage will
result and its life will be greatly shortened.
10.2. serVIcInG the aIr cLeaner
Maintaining an air cleaner in proper condition is very important. Dirt induced through improperly
installed, improperly serviced or inadequate elements damages and wears out engines. Keep the
element always clean.