12.7.2 Layout
LAYOUT submenu allows user to toggle informa on datapoints that appear in the inspec on panel on the right
side of the screen. It also allows the user to cycle through the possible GPS informa on displayed.
Each Layout can have di erent item se ngs, some se ngs are exclusive to some Layouts.
Figure 12.9 – Layout submenu and Inspec on Panel.
First, you can select Layout:
Layout - Select between di erent layouts (Dualsreen, Fullscreen RGB, PiP Fusion)
LAYOUT menu consists of the following items, toggling the inspec on or overlay panel display of the following
ZOOM VISIBLE - Zoom level and resolu on of the visible camera image.
ZOOM CWSI - Zoom level and resolu on of the CWSI camera image.
Correc on (NUC) - Current NUC status.
GPS - Current GPS status.
CAPTURED IMAGES - Number of images currently captured to SSD and to the storage medium currently
chosen for image capture saving.
RECORDED VIDEO - Dura on of video recordings currently saved to the SSD.
MEMORY - Connected and used memory.
PERCENT OF CROP - How many percent of green pixels (crop) are in visible image.
CWSI DENSITY GRAPH - Show or hide the CWSI density graph.
Addi onally, it contains two more toggles not limited to the inspec on panel:
CWSI FRAME - Toggles display of a frame overlaid into the visible camera which roughly corresponds with
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