3.1 System
When the user login to the router, user will see the system section appear. This section provides all the basic setting
and information or common setting from the router that can be configured by the administrator.
Following topics are included:
3.1.1 Information
Information section, this section shows the basic information from the router to make it easier to identify different
router that is connected to User network and also it shows LAN Settings information. The figure below shows the
interface of the Information section.
The description of the Information’s interface is as below:
System Name
Default: router
Set up a name to the device.
System Description
Display the name of the product.
Software Version
Display the firmware latest version that installed in the device.
MAC Address
Display the hardware’s MAC address that assigned by the manufacturer.
IP Address
Display the IP Address of the device
Subnet Mask
Display the subnet mask of the device
3.1.2 Login Settings
WoMaster’ router supports Login Setting that has several authentication methods. It is supported with ,
Radius, and Multi-User Authentication. This Login Setting consists of two level, admin and guest. Where the admin
level, it has the privilege to read and write and for the guest level the privilege is read only. Below is the
section for
admin level