27 Connection
You can configure the device with max connection port and each port value on this interface.
Step 1
Select “Setup > Network > General > Connection”. The system will display the interface of “Connection”,
which is shown in Figure 3.2-4:
Figure 3.2-4 Connection
Step 2
, Configure each port value of the device; refer to Table 3.2-3 for more details:
Max connection
It is the max Web connection for the same device (Range: 1 to 20). Default connection
amount is 20.
TCP Port
TCP port, you can input the actual port number if necessary (Port range is 1025~65534).
The default value is 8001.
UDP Port
UPD port, you can input the actual port number if necessary (Port range is 1025~65534).
The default value is 8002.
HTTP port, you can input the actual port number if necessary. The default value is 80.
● The default RTSP port is 554. Please leave blank if use default. User uses VLC can play
the following formats.
● Real-time monitoring URL format, please require real-time RTSP media server, require
channel no., bit stream type in URL. You may need username and password.
URL format
Username: admin.
Password: admin.
IP: device IP address:
Port: Default is 554, you can leave it in blank if it is the default value.
Channel: Channel number, from 1. If it is the 2nd channel, channel=2.
Subtype: Stream Type, Mainstream is 0 ( subtype=0), Sub stream is 1( subtype=1).
For example: Need access mainstream of channel1, the URL is:
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0
If no need verify the username and password, then use URL as below:
Enable HTTPs
Check HTTPs enable, login as
. Protect data. Default port is
. It is
disabled by default.
HTTPs Port
HTTPs ports, you can input the actual port number if necessary. The default value is 443.
Table 3.2-3 Connection Parameter Description
Step 3
to complete config.