witeg Labortechnik GmbH, WCB Circulation Water Bath
Turn the Shuttle knob clockwise to increase the time and counter-clockwise to reduce it.
The turn-off delay time will not elapse before the turn-on delay time is executed.
6.4 Set temperature
When you push the MODE button in the menu item “set turn-off delay” you reach the
menu item “set temperature”. You can recognize this menu at “°C“ in SV and PV line.
The temperature is adjustable from 15
°C till 100 °C in 0,1 °C-steps.
Push the MODE button once again if you want to work without the heating function. Then
you reach the next menu (look at 6.1) without collimated temperature value.
Choose your desired temperature by turning the Jog-Shuttle and confirm the set value by
pushing the Jog-Shuttle.
For changing the confirmed value again, you first have to push the Jog-Shuttle knob
again. “HEATING” starts blinking at the LCD and the temperature is adjustable again.
When the heating lamp is shining, the heater is activated.
6.5 Justification
If the temperature measured by you differs from the temperature the device is showing (PV) you
have the possibility to compensate the divergence by the Offset. So you can balance
differences of about ±10 °C.
The Offset is calculated as follows:
Te mpe ra t ure me a s s ure d b y yo u
– s howed temperature (PV) = Offset
To reach this menu you have to use the key combination
in the menu item “set
Set the calculated value by turning the Jog-Shuttle. The Offset will be added to the PV
Save the offset by holding the Jog-Shuttle pushed until the values in PV and SV line starts
Push the MODE button to leave the justification menu.
6.6 Key lock
To avoid accidental changing of the set values, push the MODE button in the menu item
”set temperature”.
In this menu item can you see the actually temperature in the SV-line and the remaining
time of turn-off delay in the PV-line. The function of the Jog-Shuttle knob is deactivated.
Press the MODE button once more to leave the key lock. Than you are in the menu item
“set turn-off delay”.
6.7 Storage function
WCB Circulation Water Bath
includes a storage function for temperature and time values.
That is practical if you want to work with the same parameters often. Then you did not need to
set them in every usage.
For storing values you only need to hold the Jog-Shuttle knob pushed for two seconds.
Successful storing is displayed by blinking of the SV for three times.
Any stored parameters are erasable. Turn the value with the Jug-
Shuttle till “0” and then
hold the knob pressed for two seconds.
If you want to overwrite a value it is not necessary to erase the old one. Set the desired
value and use the Jog-Shuttle knob for storing.