3. Select the type of compression.
For best results when recording video, use the WNV1
compression, since it compresses video in hardware.
Compression Type Description
256 colors, in Windows format. A Videum card and
Codec are not needed to playback video in this
format. These video files can be very large.
64k colors, in Windows format. A Videum card and
Codec are not needed to playback video in this
format. These video files can be very large.
16.7M colors, in Windows format. A Videum card
and Codec are not needed to playback video in
this format. These video files can be very large.
Provides the highest compression (up to 1:48) but
this Videum Codec is also required for playback.
Only for playback on your own system.
Provides compression but this Videum Codec is
also required for playback.
Only for playback on your own system.
Provides good hardware compression (mostly
used under 4:1) but this Videum Codec is also
required for playback.
Only for playback on your own system.
Uncompressed YUV 16-bits per pixel
Uncompressed YUV 12-bits per pixel
Uncompressed YUV. Same as Intel Indeo® raw.
For sending highly compressed video files over the Internet,
use the Save as feature and choose the .ASF format.
6. Use the compression slider to balance between the size
of your video file and the quality of the image.