Crank-In Procedure
Insert the crank handle into the gear shaft
socket, aligning the notches in the crank
handle with the pins inside the socket as
indicated. If twin arm mechanism, insert the
second crank at the other end of the room.
It may be necessary to move the crank handle
from side to side slightly to fit onto the shaft.
Each crank will only move the arm that it is
inserted into. For twin arm mechanisms, you
will need to alternate between crank handles
at each end to move the room in or out.
The most effective way for one person to
retract a twin arm room is to “walk” the room
in – that is, to crank one side until it is just
slightly ahead of the other, then crank the
opposite side in until it is slightly ahead of the
previous one. Crank both sides alternately and
equally to avoid wedging the room. (
following Notice
If help is available, a second person cranking
on the other handle simultaneously will
greatly speed up the process.
Crank the room in until it is just “snugged up”.
Do not overcrank or you could damage the
crank or gear assembly.
Fasten slideout room travel latching device (if
equipped) inside the coach before driving the
See your dealer for service of the slideout
mechanism before using again.
Further Information
See the Slideout Room operating guide
included in your InfoCase for further instructions
and troubleshooting information.
-If Equipped
Crank-In Procedure
Locate the tools in the right front side storage
compartment - a ratchet wrench, a hex-end
shaft, and an extension shaft. (The ratchet
wrench may be packaged in the InfoCase).
Locate the small, round access hole in the bed
base at the foot of the bed.
Never crank one side more than 2 inches
(50 mm) ahead of the other while
retracting or extending.
-Typical View
(if chassis-supplied)