Marine Installation Manual
4 Ancillary Systems
4.3 Lubricating oil systems
System oil
The pistons of the WinGD X72DF engine feature highly efficient jet-shaker oil
cooling. The system oil must have basic properties as follows:
Additive-type oil
A viscosity of SAE 30
Minimum Base Number (BN)
of 5.0 mg KOH/g
Minimum failure load stage of 11
1 related to the FZG gear oil test method
A/8.3/90 according to ISO 14635-1
Detergency properties
Thermal stability
Anti-corrosion properties
Anti-foam properties
Demulsifying performance
The consumption of system oil is given in
The validated system oils can be found in the document
, which is
provided on the WinGD webpage under the following link:
For additional information please contact the oil supplier.
Flushing the lubricating oil system
For flushing of the lubricating oil system refer to the latest version of the relevant
(DG 9722), which is provided on the WinGD webpage under the fol
lowing link:
Instruction for flushing - Lubricating oil system
Lubrication for turbochargers
For lubricating oil for turbochargers equipped with separate lubricating oil sys
tems the recommendations given by the supplier must be observed.
Cylinder lubricating oil system
Cylinder lubrication is carried out by a separate system, working with the
once-through principle. A hydraulically actuated dosage pump feeds cylinder lu
bricating oil to the surface of the cylinder liner through quills in the liner. The oil
supply rate is adjustable and metered to suit the age and running condition of
piston rings and liners.
For cylinder lubricating oil consumption refer to
1) The Base Number (BN), measured in mg KOH/g (test method ASTM D2896), is a
measure of the alkalinity of the oil. The BN of the cylinder oil is not an index for de
tergency or for other properties of the cylinder oil.
2) The FZG gear machines located at the FZG Institute, Munich/Germany are the refer
ence test apparatuses and must be used in the event of any uncertainty about test re
peatability and reproducibility.