Energy saving tips
WILO SE 04/2011
11.5 Heat evenly
When you are present, heat all the rooms in your home
evenly and in accordance to the respective use.
The frequently observed practice of not heating rooms at
all that are seldom used or only used at particular times to
try to save energy is actually the wrong way to do this and
not a sensible way to operate. Losses of comfort are gen-
erally the result:
Heating a particular room will result in uncontrolled
warmth transfer via enclosing surfaces (that is, walls,
doors, ceilings, floors) to unheated neighbouring rooms.
Heating energy is inadvertently lost. This can lead to the
performance of the radiator of this heated room to not
being sufficient to heat up the room up to the desired
comfort temperature. Although the heating is in opera-
tion, the room is no longer sufficiently heated; the room is
not comfortably warm.
This effect also often occurs if room doors between
heated and unheated or lesser heated rooms remain open.
By the way, the building structure can also suffer if parts
of the building are not (or only insufficiently) heated.
11.6 Do not cover or block radiators
Covers, shelves or seating areas that are placed directly in
front of the radiators prevent the even spreading of
warmth in the room. Such a heat build-up causes up to
5% higher heating costs.
Curtains that hang over radiators also shield the room
from the warm air and increase heating costs.