IR Plus Assistive Listening System
Audio Page
The Audio page displays all current audio settings. Most of the settings on the audio page are per audio channel. Settings for
channel A are edited separately from channel B.
Two VU meters are visible at the top of the page. Each VU meter for informational purposes only, and does not set any settings.
Note: Network speed can affect the audio monitor updating and web page performance�
Audio Input Gain adjusts the audio volume. Up or down adjustment buttons are used to set the gain.
The audio input source selects the type of audio source that is connected to the selected channel.
Audio Presets adjust the sound to specific settings to improve the audio quality depending on if you are broadcasting audio that
is primarily voice, music, or for an audience requiring hearing assistance. The audio settings can also be manually adjusted in the
custom presets section.
See "Audio Settings" on page 13 for more details on adjusting any of these settings.