The deadlocking multibolt
Fixing Instructions
Q50010M 0907-2
Whitco Multibolt:
For most aluminium and timber windows.
Key lockable bolt provides push to bolt and key to deadlock operation.
Provides safe bolting or deadlocking of most window types.
Please see your local hardware retailer or locksmith prior to installation if you are having this product
keyed to other locks in your home.
Determine fi xing location
Select mounting position, refer to
diagrams above. Hold assembled lock
body in desired mounting position and
check for:
• Orientation of cylinder
• Bolt movement
Long Thick Bolt
Lock Body
Side Fixing Packer
Timber One Way
Security Fixing Screws
Aluminium One Way
Security Fixing Screws
Aluminium Fixing Screws
Removing tab
When using a 5 pin key (keyed alike with
door locks) the square shaped tab in the
base of the lock body will need to be
removed. Do this by bending tab so that
it snaps along the groove as shown.
Fit side mounting packer to lock
Fit plastic side mounting packer by
pushing rectangular upstands into the
recesses in the base of the lock body.
Bend side packer around side of lock body
and position on window with side packer
against the sash.
Mark and drill bolt hole
Fit lock body to window using standard
screws. To mark bolt hole position, insert
bolt and gently tap. Open window and
drill a 10mm hole for short thick bolt.
Drill hole to suffi cient depth to suit bolt
length but do not break through frame.
Ferrule Screws
Short Thick Bolt
Timber Fixing Screws
Side Fixing
For face fi xing please see over page.
Side Fix
Face Fix
Long Thin Bolt
Screw Plugs
Thin Bolt Guide
Sliding Windows
Fit lock
at end of
either window
Casement Windows
Fit lock
in middle
of window
Awning Windows
Fit lock at
bottom of
• Aluminium windows use the long thin bolt.
Timber windows use the long thick bolt.
• Aluminium and timber windows use the
short thick bolt.
Double Hung Windows
Face fi x to lower
sash locking into
upper sash
Mark and drill fi xing holes
Check clearance of screws with the
glass line.
With window tightly closed,
position lock body where it is to be
mounted and mark mounting locations
by tapping a nail or marker through
screw holes. Drill two 3.5mm pilot holes
for timber or two 4mm pilot holes for
When drilling screw and bolt holes
do not drill through the lock body as this
may damage the lock mechanism.
Side Fixing
Face Fixing