WM Series
Air Handler
1 1/2 - 5 ton sizes
Upflow, horizontal and counterflow
3 Stage operation (25 kW)
Sequenced for demand management
External access to heater circuit breakers
1 piece design for easier installation
4-way airflow convertibility
1 in. mat-faced insulation in cabinet
Painted heavy gauge galvanized cabinet
Filter rack with filter built into every air handler
High strength and heat-resistant plastic drain pan for
rust resistance
Efficient PSC 3 speed blower motor
Standard transformer and blower relay
Field installed 5-25 kW heat strip with easy plug
Built in indoor time delay for increased efficiency
Downflow conversion kit available
Field installed hydronic heat
5 year limited warranty on all parts
Air Handler
ARI Ceritifed
Certification applies only when
used with proper components as
listed with ARI