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Содержание CEL1110AAH

Страница 1: ...20 important to understand how your new electric range operatesBEFOREyou use it for the first time Be sure to includethe model and serial numbers of your appliance Foryour convenience we have provided space In this Owner s Guide you will find a wealth of information on the front cover to recordthis information regarding all aspects of your appliance By carefully followingthe instructionsyou will b...

Страница 2: ...a storage drawer Remove storage drawer To eliminate the hazard of reaching over hot surfs For models without a storage drawer Remove the four elements cabinet storage should not be provided dire above a unit Ifsuchstorage is provided it shouldbe limi screws thatsecure the lower panelto the range to items which are used infrequentlyand which are sat Lookunderneathrangeto verifythat oneof the rearle...

Страница 3: ...s a storage area for food or Make sure drip bowls arein place Absence of these bowls cooking utensils during cooking may subject wiring or components underneathto damage The oven vent is located Alwaysplaceapanon asurfaceelementbeforeturningit on at the left rear element Keep oven vent duct Be sure you know which knob controls which surface unobstructed Blockageof the vent prevents proper oven ele...

Страница 4: ...ingor replacingfood conventional cookware Do not use any devices accessories that are not specifically recommendedin t PREPAREDFOODWARNING Followfoodmanufacturer s manual Donot useeyelidcoversfor thesurface units st instructions Ifaplastic frozenfoodcontainer and oritscover topgrills or add onoven convection systems The use distorts warps or is otherwisedamagedduringcooking devices oraccessories t...

Страница 5: ...ttingthanneeded to maintain a gentle boil Water boils at the same temperaturewhether boilinggently or vigorously If a high Cooking performance is greatly affected by the type of settingis used excessivespatteringwilloccurandfoodmay cookwareused Propercookwarewillreducecookingtimes stickor burn onto the bottomof the pan uselessenergyandproducemoreevencookingresults For bestresultsuse a heavygaugeme...

Страница 6: ...tacle Gently pressdown on outer edge of element untilelementsits levelon drip bowl Be sure the drip bowlfor the left rearelementhas a h Besuredripbowlsare properlyinstalled Cutouton dripbowl in the center to allow proper oven venting To prey bakingproblems neverblocktheventopeningbyplac should be centeredover the screw securingthe receptacle asoliddrip bowlinthis locationor bycoveringthe hol_ to t...

Страница 7: and may have a negati_ have questions concerningbaking results please referto effect on baking results pages 7 8 9 and 14 for additionalinformation 3 Place the food in the center of the oven allowing minimumof 1 to 2 inchesbetweenthe utensil and t_ ovenwalls 4 Checkfoodfor donenessat the minimumtime in tl_ recipe Cooklongerifnecessary 5 Removefood fromthe ovenandturntheThermostatkno Preheatingi...

Страница 8: ...nwalls Toremove Besuretherackiscool Pulltherackstraightout For optimum bakingresultsof cakes cookiesor biscuits untilitstopsatthelock stop position Tiltthefrontendofthe useonerack Position theracksothefoodisinthecenterol rackupandcontinuepullingtherackoutofthe oven the oven Useeitherrackposition2 or 3 Toreplace Placethe rackontheracksupports andtiltthe Ifcooking onmorethanonerack stagger thefoodto...

Страница 9: eachotherorovenwalls Incorrect rackposition toobrown on bottom Incorrectuseofaluminum foil Placed2 cookiesheetsononerack Usedglass dark stainedwarpedordullfinishmetalpans Usea shinycookiesheet Followcookwaremanufacturer s instructions for oventemperature Glasswareanddark cookwaresuchas Ecko sBaker sSecretmay requireloweringtheoventemperatureby 25oF Excessiveshrinkage Toolittleleavening Overmixi...

Страница 10: ... with an anodized dull Seasonmeat ifdesired eitherbeforeorafterroasting Ru bottomabsorbsheat produces darkerbrowning anda intothesurfaceofthe roastifaddedbeforecooking crispercrust Usethistypeof panforpies piecrustsor bread Placethe meatfat side upon a rackin a shallowroastin Foroptimumbakingresults bakecookiesand biscuits pan Placingthemeatona rackholdsitoutofthedripping on a flat cookiesheet If ...

Страница 11: ...en to the broil stop position opera from curling and to reduce smoking and spattering Season about 4 inches meat after cooking 5 Followthe suggested times in the chart below Turn me once about halfway through cooking Place oven rack in the correct rack position when oven is 6 Check for doneness by cutting a slit near the center of t_ cool For darker browning place meat closer to the broil meat ele...

Страница 12: ...n openingthe oven door allowsteamand hotair to drawer escapebeforereachingin ovento check add or remove To replace Fitthe endsofthedrawerglidesontothe rails food Lift updrawerfrontandgentlypushintofirststopposition Lift up draweragainand continueto slidedrawerto the CAUTION Hingearms are springmountedand will closedposition slam shut againstthe range if accidentlyhit Never placehand or fingers bet...

Страница 13: ...enon abrasive cleaning agents suchasbakingsodapasteorBonAm Ifdasired a Backguard thincoatof mi_d appliancewaxcanbeusedtoprotectthe sidepanels A glasscleaner canbe usedto add shine to the surface NOTE Donotuseabrasive causticorharshcleaning agentssuchassteelwoolpads orovencleaners Theseproductswillscratchorpermanently damagethesurface NOTE Neverw pea warmorhotsurfacewitha dampclothasthismaydamageth...

Страница 14: ...ter Removestubborn soilwithcleansing powderorsoapfille Plastic scouringpad scouring pad Rinseanddry Cleansingpowders Soap filledscouring pads PlasticFinishes Detergentandwater Do notuse ovencleaner powderorliquidcleansers abrasiveorcausticcleanin Doorhandle Pasteofbakingsodaandwater agentsonplasticfinishes Thesecleaningagentswillscratchormartthefinish Controlpanel Non abrasiveplastic pador To prev...

Страница 15: ...ssofthe dealerfromwhorr Food not baking or cookingcorrectly you purchasedthe appliance the date of purchaseanc Is theovenrackproperly placedfor baking detailsconcerning yourproblem Haveyouusedaluminum foilcorrectly If youdo not receivesatisfactoryservice you may contac Wasthe oven preheatedas recommended the Major Appliance Consumer Action Program by lettel Arethe controlsproperlyset including you...
