User Guide
5. System Management
5.3 BIOS Firmware Update
This returns:
e3,01,00,30,03,00,00,00,<IOM A Setting>,00,00,00,<IOM A IPaddr>,<IOM
A Netmask>,<IOM A Gateway>,00,00,00,<IOM B Setting>,00,00,00,<IOM B
IPaddr>,<IOM B Netmask>,<IOM B Gateway>
<IOM> = 03 (IOMA & IOMB)
<IOM A Setting> = 00 (static) or 01 (DHCP)
<IOM A IPaddr> = The IP address in four pairs of two-digit hex codes
<IOM A Netmask> = The netmask, in four pairs of two-digit hex codes
<IOM A Gateway> = The gateway, in four pairs of two-digit hex codes
<IOM B Setting> = 00 (static) or 01 (DHCP)
<IOM B IPaddr> = The IP address in four pairs of two-digit hex codes
<IOM B Netmask> = The netmask, in four pairs of two-digit hex codes
<IOM B Gateway> = The gateway, in four pairs of two-digit hex codes
The result, after setting the two static addresses in
00,00,00,00,C0,A8,00,0A,FF,FF,FF,00,C0,A8,00,01 <dev>
The result, when IOM B is not booting (no IP):
00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 <dev>
Setting an invalid gateway will result in that field being zeroed-out.
BIOS Firmware Update
This section outlines the requirements and procedures needed to update to the latest version of BIOS
firmware. There are two ways to upgrade the BIOS firmware; using EFI boot mode or using legacy
boot mode that requires a USB drive containing the BIOS update files. The following is a list containing
requirements for each of the BIOS update options.
Updating BIOS Firmware using EFI Boot Mode
Linux operating system
1GB (or greater) FAT32 partition on the host operating system
Latest version of the BIOS firmware
Updating BIOS Firmware using the Legacy Boot Mode
Windows operating system
USB Drive w/ a 1GB (or greater) FAT32 partition
Latest version of the BIOS firmware
Reading the BIOS ID