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WE DO nOt aCCEpt liaBilitY BEYOnD tHE rEMEDiEs
prOViDED FOr in tHis liMitED WarrantY Or
FOr COnsEQuEntial Or inCiDEntal DaMagEs,
inCluDing, WitHOut liMitatiOn, anY liaBilitY FOr
tHirD-partY ClaiMs against YOu FOr DaMagEs,
FOr prODuCts nOt BEing aVailaBlE FOr usE, Or
FOr lOst Data Or lOst sOFtWarE. Our liaBilitY
Will BE nO MOrE tHan tHE aMOunt YOu paiD FOr
tHE prODuCt tHat is tHE suBJECt OF a ClaiM.
tHis is tHE MaXiMuM aMOunt FOr WHiCH WE
arE rEspOnsiBlE. sOME statEs DO nOt allOW
tHE EXClusiOn Or liMitatiOn OF inCiDEntal
Or COnsEQuEntial DaMagEs, sO tHE aBOVE
liMitatiOn Or EXClusiOn MaY nOt applY tO YOu.
What Must I Do To Keep the Warranty in Effect?
You must keep your receipt or other appropriate
documentation as proof of the date of sale and purchase.
You must keep your serial number or order number for
the product. This is found on the product itself or on your
You must not do any of the things that will make the warranty
invalid as provided for in this warranty statement.
You must use, install, maintain and operate the product in
accordance with published specifications and the user’s
What Do I Do If I Need Warranty Service?
Before the warranty expires, please call us at
1-800-BOATING (1-800-262-8464). Please also have your
West Marine serial number or order number available.
When you contact us, we will issue a Return Material
Authorization Number for you to include with your return.
We will also provide you the address of where to ship the
You must return the product to us in its original or equivalent
packaging, prepay shipping charges, and insure the
shipment or accept the risk if the product is lost or damaged
in shipment.
What Will West Marine Do?
During the Limited Warranty Term, if the product you return to
us proves to be defective in materials or workmanship and not
for the reasons which would otherwise disqualify it (as explained
here), then we will:
At West Marine’s option, we will repair the product or, if we
are unable to repair it, we will replace it with a comparable
product that is new or refurbished;
Or, as an alternative, at West Marine’s option, we will refund
you the original purchase price;
If we repair or replace the product, we will return the repaired
or replacement product to you; and
Pay to ship the repaired or replacement product to you if you
use an address in the United States (excluding Puerto Rico
and U.S. possessions and territories). Otherwise, we will ship
the product to you freight collect.
if we determine that the problem is not covered under
this warranty, we will notify you of this when we return
your product to you to the address you provide us
in the united states (excluding puerto rico and u.s.
possessions and territories).
We use new and refurbished parts made by various
manufacturers in performing warranty repairs and in
building replacement parts and systems. refurbished
parts and systems are parts or systems that have been
returned to West Marine, some of which were never
used by a customer. replacement parts and systems
are covered for the remaining time left in the limited
Warranty term for the product you bought (whatever time
remains in the twelve months since purchase). West
Marine owns all parts removed from repaired products.
Maintenance is the Owner’s Responsibility
Cleaning, polishing, lubricating, replacing filters, tuning,
replacing worn parts, using your purchased product according
to the user’s manual, and regularly maintaining your purchased
product is your responsibility.
What if I purchased a Plus Protection Plan?
Service will be provided to you under the terms of the Plus
Protection Plan Contract. Please refer to that contract for details
on how to obtain service.
How State Law Relates to the Warranty.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which vary from state to state.