4 Inputs
4.1 Test Input
A self-test is started at the control unit by applying 24 V DC to the test input (terminal 16). When the control
unit’s safety inputs are activated, the control unit indicates that testing is being executed by shutting down the
transmitters at the connected safety light barriers, and thus simulating penetration of the protected area. The
operator must then check the effectiveness of the shut down. The transmitters are shut down for as long
as 24 V DC is applied to the input.
The externally triggered test has no significance with regard to testing the control unit, because it is self-testing.
The test pulse has a minimum duration of 40 ms. Test frequency is based upon the risk analysis (safety
4.2 Acknowledgement Input
The control unit can be setup with either restart inhibit of automatic restart.
The use of restart inhibit (start and restart disabled) is required if the safety device is used to secure a passageway
to the danger zone, and if it is possible for a person to be present in the danger zone without being detected after
traversing the passageway.
4.2.1 Selecting the Mode of Operation
The following table depicts configuration of the operating modes.
Selecting the Mode of Operation
Terminal 6
Terminal 15
Mode of Operation
0 V not connected
24 V DC
Automatic restart
24 V DC
0 V not connected
Restart inhibit
0 V not connected
0 V not connected
Impermissible operation
24 V DC
24 V DC
4.2.2 Automatic Restart
In this operating mode, the control unit’s outputs correspond to the status of the light barriers:
• If the safety zone is unobstructed (light barrier outputs active), the relay outputs are activated.
• If the safety zone is obstructed (light barrier outputs inactive), the relay outputs are deactivated.