Pocket ECG User - Manual
DIR 80012822 Ver. C
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List view
Select visible file properties. Here you can select which file properties are
shown in the file list. Available properties are: Date/Time, Size, Patient name,
Patient number, Type, File Name.
Change displayed font type, size and style.
Select in which language you want to work with Pocket ECG.
8.5 Installing the plug-in for Welch Allyn CardioPerfect
To install the special Pocket ECG plug-in on the host machine where you run Welch Allyn
CardioPerfect you have to run the setup program. Make sure that you closed Welch Allyn
CardioPerfect before running the setup.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
8.6 Configure Welch Allyn CardioPerfect
In this paragraph the minimum setup for your Pocket PC is described. Before setting up your
Pocket PC we assume that you are familiar with the basic use of your Pocket PC as described
in the User manual of your Pocket PC.
The Welch Allyn CardioPerfect program can be setup to work with the Pocket PC in two
different configurations. When the Pocket PC is attached to the host computer by means of
activesync it is possible to control the settings on the Pocket PC by using the special Pocket
ECG tab in Welch Allyn CardioPerfect. For this you have to install the special plug-in, see
previous paragraph.
The Pocket ECG application has numerous settings that can be used to customize the program
to your specific needs. Some of these affect trace display, others are needed for telemedicine
or for signing ECG’s. You can edit these parameters in two ways. The first is directly using the
Pocket ECG application. The second is by using Welch Allyn CardioPerfect that has access to
the Pocket PC by means of activesync.
We recommend using the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect program to edit the settings. Please read
the user’s manual for an explanation of all settings.
The other configuration is when the Pocket PC is connected to Welch Allyn CardioPerfect by
means of a remote direct socket connection. In this case it need not be physically attached to
the host computer. But to do this you have to give the Pocket PC access to the program. This
can be done by the configuration tool and the administrator tool that came along with Welch
Allyn CardioPerfect. Please read the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect users manual for more details.
To be able to act as a host Welch Allyn CardioPerfect must be setup as a direct socket host,
the computer must have an Internet connection with a fixed IP address and all Pocket PC’s that
are allowed to connect must be added to the contact list.