Weiss Enginering Ltd.
With speakers there are strong crosstalk components present though. Exactly this a Crosstalk Cancel-
lation (XTC) algorithm tries to suppress.
With a clever signal processing this can be achieved on an impressive level - the acoustics of the recording
venue is reproduced in a 3D manner and the musical instruments can be clearly located on a 3D stage. But
even studio recordings can be enhanced with an XTC based playback system.
In the figure on the right an XTC listening
setup is displayed as a scheme.
The red arrows in the picture indicate
the wanted audio signals, while the blue
arrows indicate the crosstalk signals which
are suppressed.
It is essential to sit in the middle between
the speakers such that the setup is com-
pletely symmetrical as indicated in the
The listening angle should not be 60
degrees as with a standard stereo setup,
but should be more like 20 degree or less.
This helps the XTC impression a lot.
Figure 24: XTC scheme
With the DSP501/DSP502 units it is possible to enter the geometries of the setup. The XTC algorithm then
is adjusted to the setup at hand. This plugin is not applicable on headphones.
The main impressions you will get with the XTC based playback are:
• Large stereo stage, much wider than the space between the speakers
• A feeling of depth, i.e. a 3-D like presentation
• Very realistic playback of the acoustic space at the recording venue
• The instruments are clearly located on the stage
The XTC based playback is suited for:
• Dummy head recordings (with the most realistic presentation)
• Live recordings (with an impressive rendering of the acoustic space and the crowd at the place)
• Standard stereo studio recordings
• A mono recording will stay a mono recording. There won’t be any ”stereo-ization”.
The Weiss Vinyl Emulator
The playback quality of vinyl records often times is viewed as being superior to digital based playback. The
technical quality of a vinyl reproduction usually is inferior to a decent digital playback, though.
Obviously many listeners like the specific deteriorations the vinyl playback chain applies to the music.
The playback system in a record player is a fairly complex mechanical system with many variables contribut-
ing to the sound. If one likes to emulate such a system in the digital domain the most important mechanisms
have to be analysed and emulated.
Some of the sub-systems and parameters involved are:
• motor driving the platter
• needle geometry
• groove geometry
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