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Содержание LZ 280 S

Страница 1: ...hes Model LZ 280S Withmaindriveby two speed 2 211 0 HP motorand variable speed vee belt drive for infinitely adjusable spindlespeeds from26 to 2000RPM Alsoavailable withsingle speed 2 HP motorfor spindlespeedsfrom52 to 2000RPM withstepless controlrange ...

Страница 2: ...r i e s T y p e L Z 2 B O Seria l No Type LZ 2BO Seri a1 lrlo GN hlr ra r i I t y t _ i MAR a _ J IIEILER I G I IJERKZEUGIUASCHINENFABRII 17U tr UErZbUrgcrStr P o 0 n B o x 1 1 4 0 D B S Z Z H e r z o g e n a u r i c h i N Phonez 09132 1312t i Li nesi Telex wr R629 sga Federal Republic of Germany F fiN F T I TI l i i i 27 te74 iiit l i ll u U U t J ...


Страница 4: ...r e a r l Crri ti rrr eeh a ni sn 4 21 Quick Changr Gear no r 4 2 2 i c k O f f G e a r T r a i n 4 Z l F e e r l i J h a f t 4 24 Lead Screi v Carriage 4 1 1 C o i r p o u n d R e s t 4 3 2 A p r o n T a i l s t o c k lrive 5 6 1 7 9 7 A R I 4 1 4 2 4 1 4 4 r ADJUST r l lITSAt iD SERVIC_E I RACTJCE 5 1 GeneraI fnfornations 5 2 Iriain Spindle Adjustment 21 Adjustment of Front Spindle Bearing 5 22 ...

Страница 5: t i t ril e lie oif ii e roL 6e2 1 r ing to6Jei li er vith dirle planii ir3 1 lo a 1 1 i li carr a lso wli en ieiloving the stif ferri n ribe rrlacerj ac cr i the beihrra rs c1 lri iire Tc facii it ve iicvlng on tiie sl ic1 rrctton under rhe fail re r e it tc its iccation r_irea 1 2 Ci ri l tG Orr ELf VI RY rii ler bire l a ile iias beei i uripacked checjr c re u l1y nt _ r c r t nrl cces o ric...

Страница 6: ...t a re also used to bol i o i he f cundation Tlrc f oui ia icn E1 1 l 9r 1ri bc a ran e C n dilrensio ns approxinate to specif ica ior s _ ive1 cn Pf an cf Forrniati on llol setti ng anC bcl u i n g t h e r e 1 L r e i n c o n c r e t e c e i n e n t i n t h e f o u n c r a t i o n b e l t s i n o i t ancel requi eci at he sirne t ne vrhen 1 eparing Llie i cunCaticns 2 LEYELIi G On setting he riac...

Страница 7: ...Gesomtqnsicht Generol View Vue G6n6role Visto Completo Typ rz 280 C 60 I g9 c f Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdrinenfobrik Herzogenourodr Niirnberg ...

Страница 8: ...n Plnn rlc lonclntion Planr r rlo Fonclacion a Unterbau Stahl Bnse Steel Soele Acier Z6calo Acero b Unterbau GullfiiBe Base Qastle6s Soc1e Pieds en fonte Z6celo Pies cle hiemo F roo i i i n l r i_ l_ rq_61 i i i l l l 440iigo ll ll i i l l l l Doi f Le ut I r l i i i56 t4 i56 Weiler KG Werkzeugmotdrinenfobrik Herzogcmurodr NUmberg Gennony A t b 2 ...

Страница 9: ... t t rc nriich re is tlrororr rtl ilriaird p r c p e r l y l u b r i c a t e c l b e f c r e i t i s c p e r t e C S e e r r f t L s i r u c t i o n s f c r Luhric tion and tt lrSlication Char tr ITot_e Take care to have 0r1 Bath lieserr cir of tre riistccr hcusin3 the feed ririve slicliniy geere flf leii up r i ili oi1 i n k e e p i n g i h e o i f 1 e v e 1 L i i h i n r n i d t i i o f s i g l ...

Страница 10: ... sLippage is avoided See af so Instructions ancl r rf tins rrl ri e A ranrlemeni ra nnexed t o s u p p i e m e n t n ll h e lathe riren furnisleed r r itir mo or factcry mounted and sl ritched r e a c i y f o r c o n n ec t i o n o n s e r v i c e l i n e r r i c l u d e s p r o t e c c e d i n t e r n a l tiring fron tke rnotor to tire reversing sr ritch gear being buil t in the bed c rsting at t...

Страница 11: ...i11 be ildicated by failure of pressure 1esulting in misslrrg the coofant or cutti ng oil r i henopening the piplng cutlet Correction can easily be made in changing the connections of core e4ds switched to the terminal b o x Caution T ilrenusing coolant or cutting oil for vhatever type of machining operation care shou 1d be taken tliat it vril l be of non acid and non corvoding propertJ es to prev...

Страница 12: ...i niiig tapu r Ta e carct ab ove all to ascertain thai rr edg esor shi ns r cre places u nder ti c nachine correctly and the nachine r ias not bottcd dcr rr too bi ht I ecessar y corrections can i e maCe by adjusting tjre Crli lL ltl bOL lS in t n C a s t T r o n L e j j s o r l i t h b e n c h t r p e l a t h e r o d e l i n t h e f e c t o f t h c l atl c ui C i i ad ju straents arc niade ireck ...

Страница 13: ...e Eleclricol motor for 3 phose AC supply with spindle speeds Motor trifdsico con velocidodes b PolumscholtborerDrehstrommotor mit zwei Drehzohlen Dohlonder Scholrung Twospeed reversing molor for 3 phoseAC iuppry Motor lrifosico de conmutodor de combio con 2 velocidodes F i g 3 I s T II U R s I w W V U M 3 t I Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdrinenfobrik I Herzogenourodr N0rnberg Germony ...

Страница 14: ... threaded attachments to the spindl e nose whilst their correct and accurate align nent is given and naintained through the centering surfaces to the roain spindle pulley is transnitted by V belts undernea tfr beift in ii ternediate countershaft and the Gears having a 6 I o 1 reduction ratic ar9 engaged by fever on headsto t ftottt to obtain the slow spindle The notion from the nain spindle to the...

Страница 15: ...rl or speci al threads can he fu r liisher i on e tr a order See I Feed E Threa d Chart h srnal l lrrdex Flate on ge tr box housing ii d ic tes ihc rr r clc1 i a rn i l lr hl e rr itnhgg Cf tjf z ead and t he correcnonrl i h rr1 r v v r r q r i l r v i r l t l r r l j a r l i t l u l l u u r feecl A complete I Feeci Threacl Chart of sheet meiai is fix eC iirsi le of tire hinged colrer protectir 9 ...

Страница 16: ...riith a h r u s i b a l i b e a r i n g i n e a c h s i C e o f t i r e c r a c k e t p r o v i d i n g a cci r ra ree C lustment tc ellninate endp1a y T J a l o e i c n f l o a d c 6 i i i n n n z n g 3 g i e s a n e x c l u s i r r o r r n l r r r J r l n j r v a s v v D a i r E A U 4 D I v s v a t u o v r u fee ture in that it is constn cted in such a way r lhich enables ic pl ass it the rends ...

Страница 17: ...ding Speed Chart placed at front of heqdstock sl c l is tile c 1i1 Revolutions per tljinute available and the Iei bers ani nunbe rs iiili r i c within the Drive diagram thereon refer to the belt posiiicns j r ei i lla the 12 various Spindle Speeds ranging f on JB o 16 JO rpr ADJUSTT JS rI0F BELT TENSION rtrho rtri rri ns hol ts ry o nr onerlw te nsi oned hv n eans of tit 3e t I er L f t r s u I v ...

Страница 18: ...pc c i r v r Ly 4 i2 nj 195 Thr r protr houscs illc o i i anci Qrlll ilcei r i j ve 1 1 l lle t urrblCr g c r ing llo r tra rsnitti t l iie nc ticI f i oir l 1c s p1i ncd f cer l sl rf t tc tho e rr iage f or pct rer lcngi r udinaf rnli crcs s f t eCing ancl rnc lir lf nuts r hicii a re iinj Ll ed i ii tl j i re l ead scre ii ren eu iting thlca cis anC i1 o cont i r t ii c ilirilci f c cd pinicn r...

Страница 19: ... screl f ng a ginl a tappeii r 1io r b rrO rize buSll i r ericC and secu recl by tivO g rui ccici rrt irt ih ir a cf spinCle 3y set ovr r b 1 rC r j ji r t r ri i r 1r3l i l rire i rcvic e i f c turLril rg s1i 3hi irl aeite anCl iOi Li rtt r1 t p r itt il ii uOCl l ri uh he Cenr lC ii rie i r i t hc bc l tnr bi ra Lli c lle1l or irJeC lii tailsiock c ncl be uv een icr r i cot tcq 1 l a tc f cr E e...

Страница 20: ...l of the r i r v r r r r r v a J n n o r q n r r f U a a a 4 l h n b l 1 T v j s r v v f f r r r F u v l r u r u r f u u t r L f u J I J l r u t l t u 9 g 5 l r u u J I J I J I J t u l l e v r suppry t r o r d e t n i l c n c r t a i n i n r y t o d r i r r c o n r r i r r m n r q c o l r p f t i n c r n d Insrtructions t Drive Arrangemcntrr alnnexed as supplemerr t LZ 2BA ...

Страница 21: ...ri ion may have been incurred in shipneni or due to careless handling or after the lathe has been opcrated for several rnonths be careful to proceed any adjustment in a proper manner It is good rule not to have too much pressure on the bearings and tc make adjustmen s always by the rnethod of nier r n i t t e n t s e t t i n g If it is required to take a unit apart use the wrench or screir r drive...

Страница 22: ... at tit e nain spincile no i t b ick q r gha_i lrl oi r l ir s i L L r l f iti r jlc iepiscj_ng j he J i lJct Y beit Sec C i r _o lt i1i t r n 1 t f iiirg I Sccrj oiraL Vie rr of Hcarl ti rtclit r l lt ll 95 liL Qili L1 1 r r lr j C i1 l ic r i i r li pui iieve l i ee Le rrc jl rrer tr 1 i afc i r f iill bo irvoiil ntu ciraiige of ir gea re rlr li i i tnl l i c llcuii tl rI t l t o n c Lj r i i r ...

Страница 23: ...n front then tighten the adjusting nut behind it to reduce the clearance of feed screw mountj ng and finally t i g h t e n t h e l o c k i n g n u t t o a e c u r e a d j u s t m e n t 5 6 REPLACINGBEITS Should injury or wear necessitate replacement the upper of b o t h t h e e n d l e s s V b e 1 t s w i l l b e a c c e s s i b l e a f t e r t h e m a i n spindle and the back gear shaft have been...

Страница 24: ... i iig i e c r r l n a c h i n e d s n a f l d pii ri on 3e careful l hat r 7 l f p n t i o n n r r t O c l i i O t 5 F u s h L a c l i i e a i i p i l d i e 1 T r n C i e c i o i r c t e r i 5 r L t e r o i shorts For i hi r pLrrpcsc ef f ect some slig rrt blcr s ri b li ei ligh n e t a l n a l l e t a g a i n s l r r e n d s p i n d l c i j c i i i n c l o i l 1 g s o n u s i l e p r o t e c b e...

Страница 25: ... o th o r r j r v r r 6 r r r r u r r b v f y v 4 r v r 4 4 r o u c h a o t n f i r r r r o r n r r p r t h o r l r v s t o n l n t p n t i h e m f r o m t h e l l b r a s i V e o f l g u v L r V v q f u r r s r v s u v D w v y r d u st Use the best grade of refined machine oil and lubrica ting greaserto b e o f n o n r e s i n o u s a n d n o n a c i d c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s Lubricating ho...

Страница 26: ... A t 6tvE l fO l 6tAFnArt0 lavicu cn Potiliou A 1 0onenl a la Sollcl lorln b Ropput l 1 c1il PALANCA tyPastatoilA t tA 1UCCU Dt CAIA t0 l0tt 3 Dt l 1 tto3 ll 42 25 fohnr6 r in Klamm rn ind olt Sonclsrsu bonor uhiitllbh ctlANSt0ta tNtlfi tfHjsts ANEAVAILASLE IS fl f RIS Fignons onlrg psTgnshiseSeonl disponibles Commetupplemcts EIISFANAJESOEAII0IO EN PE PAREITESIS ESTAflOE Y fiTA COIO ESPECIALES tJo...

Страница 27: ...lo Cost iron Fonle grise Fondicion gris Ught metol l letal Jeger l tetal llviono Scirn it t geschwind l gkei ts tabe 11e CUTTTNGSPEED CHART TABIEAU DE VITESSE DE COUPE TABLA DE VELOCIDAD DE CORTE 60 n 8090w I 00 125 3A tu t50 w I 60 1 7 0 I t a EI El n a l 540 750 t0E0 t o t li ii lr 30 20 t5 l0 9 e 7 6 3a 30 20 2t 3 1 s 6 7 il Werkstolfc Ilcrkzeug SS 4 Slsht l flSchwe metdil 6 Guss 7 Let calmcto1...

Страница 28: ...r den Anbqu zusdtzl idrer Einridrtungen s s oo 82 3 o O c o f o N o E E i f l z s E Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdtinenfobrik Herrogenourodr N0rnberg Germony t t I t I t t t D t t t c 0 c 0 0 3 p p p p p p F lc p t i F p ...

Страница 29: ...n de Lubrificolion Chorto de lubrificqci6n 9 s 4 v O u a h o o U 6 d r u l D I o E o J L o t ET z q u v O U G u u z t n c u o o L J e J F E q u u E s a u Ex s u E 9e F Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdtinenfobrik Herzogenauracft Niirnberg Germany ...

Страница 30: ......

Страница 31: ... Lubrificolion Chorlo de ubrificotion TvP LZG 280 N o l4 E Y O u q b J o o U 6 d q D It o d o J q i s3 z u o u zo q r 2 c U o U d 9f 4 J F e q u u E 1 e J g E u E o U E 9e F Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogenourodr N0rnberg Fis lO ...

Страница 32: ...Spindelsrod Heodstock Poupee Fixe Cobezol Fiio rvP tz 280 f I 21 Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogenouroch Niirnberg ETt 362 f r sr w rJi i Fi i s t J 1 r I e li l i i i 1r i i i ...

Страница 33: ...z 56 Vorgelegeritzel z 21 Welle Logerbiichse Spindelzohnrod z 32 Zohnrod z 64 Vorschubrod Welle Rillenkugelloger Nilos Ring Rodioldichtring Nilosring Seeger Ring O Ring Rostscheibe Mitnehmerbolzen Olschutzdeckel Au steckbiichse FutterbUchse Nodellogerzweireihig Ring Futterbiichse Logerbijchsb Scherenbolzen Aufsteckbiichse Kegelrod Scholtwelle Scholtnobe D Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogen...

Страница 34: ...Nortonkoslen Feed Geos Box Bolte hlor on Coio de Avonces h loc fon l y p i 2280 i rz 3s0 i _ i 27 2B tl iiii f zefzs qb Weiler KG Werkzeugrnoschinenfobrik llerzogenouroch Nrirnberg ET2 260 i ...

Страница 35: ... Loufring 3 7 Z o h n r o d z 5 2 38 Welle 39 ZohnrodbUchse z 26 40 Antriebszohnrod z 24 41 Zwischenbtichse 42 Nortonschwinge 43 Z wi s c h en ro d z 3 0 44 2wGltrenroauotien 45 Welle 46 Hiilse 150 Druckkegel 131 Z o h n ro dz 3 9 132 Buchse 143 Gewindering 2 4 Rodblock m Kupplung z 29 52 2 5 Rodblock m Kupplung z 30 19 2 6 Scheibe Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogenouroch Niirnberg ET2 260...

Страница 36: ...o o Werkzeugschlitten Corrioge Choriot Corrodel Torno TvP LZ280 Bs 86 A7 9 Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogenouroch N0rnberg ET3 258 ...

Страница 37: ...Sponnschroube 66 Stiltzschroube 67 SponnProtze 68 Unterlegscheibe 69 Messingplcittctren 135 Skolenring PlonsPindel 156 _Aufnohmedeckel 137 FUhrungsloger 158 Plonspindelmutter zweiteilig 139 Plonspindelzohnrod z 15 140 Distonzbiichse 141 Skolenring 142 SupportsPindel Plon Weiter KG Werkzeugmoschinenfqbrik Herzogenourodr Niirnberg ...

Страница 38: ...WEILERLZ 280 Reitstock Tailstock Contre poup6e Cabezal m6vil Gontropunta ET4 68 t I a ...

Страница 39: 8 Reitstockspindel _Sjrndle leed_qqrew a metr Gewinde metricthread BEI BESTELLUNGEN BITIE STEISDIE NUMMER DIESER LISTE SOWIEDIE MASCHINEN NUMMER ANGEBEN Parls Liat No ET 4 68 for Taflstod LZ 28O b Zoll Gewinde Englishthread Deckscheibe Bearingcap Handradmit Ballengritf Handwheelwith handle Druckfeder Eye bolt spring Spannbolzen Eye bolt Spannexzenter Eccentricshaft Spannhebel Quick clamP lever ...

Страница 40: ...I S frloBkasten Apron Tabliel Placade Distrlbuclon Tvp LZ 2EO lz 300 c6 63 E2 Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdrinenfobrik Herzogenauracfi N0rnberg Germany ETs 857 ...

Страница 41: 84 Sdrneckenradz 4O 85 Schneckenradbiidtse 86 Zahnrad z 30 a7 Scialtscfiwinge 88 Ubertragungsrad z 17 89 Radschraube 90 Lagerzahmad z 22 91 zahnlaa no 92 Ritzelwellez 12 93 Ritzelwellez 16 94 Ritzelwellenzahnrad z 42 150 Wellenritzelz 15 151 Wellenritzelzahnrad z 38 1 Sdrneckenradwelle 2 Lagerb0cfise Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogenauraclr Niirnberg Germany ...

Страница 42: ... a Stufenlos Regelrrieb Vori SpeedDrive Vorioteur de Vitesse Voriodor de Velocidodes Typ tz 280 s LZ 500 w MD 260W F r t r a Weiler KG Werkzeugmoschinenfobrik Herzogenouygch Ni irnberg Germony ET6 U r 3 ...

Страница 43: ... r l r r l r l 9 Logcrg ohciusc 10 Stijrzplotre 11 Aufnohmerohr 12 Riemenscheibe 13 Welle 14 Spindelmutter 15 Hebel 16 Kugelscheibe o l zwrschennng 1B Regelspindel 19 Druckfeder 20 Schmolkeilriemen 21 Breitkeilriemen 22 Innensechskontschroube 23 Sechskontschroube 24 Rillcnkugcllogcr 7lt Rillcnkuryt llrrrlr rpool 26 Sr hcibcn Rillr nloclcr 27 Steuerwelle 28 Exzenterscheibe WeilerKG Werkzeugmoschine...

Страница 44: ...o o Slufen Antrieb TvP tzc 280N Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdrinenfqbrik Herzogenouroch N0rnberg Germony ET6 958 ...

Страница 45: ... tzc 280 N I Logerwelle Keilriemenscheibe Stufenscheibe Keilriemenscheibe Keilriemen Rillenkugelloqer Motorplotte Rostenhebel Stellschroube I 2 I Weiler KG Werkzeugmosdrinenfobrik Herzogenourodr N0rnberg Germony ET6 958 ...
