User Manual Managed Switches
Switch port number with SFP plugged in
Provider of the SFP transceiver
Product Identification of the SFP transceiver
Version of the SFP transceiver
General information about the SFP transceiver (Interface / Fiber
optic type / Distance)
3.14.10 Ping and Ping6
function uses the
command to give users a simple but powerful tool for
troubleshooting network problems. The function's most unique feature is that even though the ping
command is entered from the user's PC keyboard, the actual ping command originates from the
Weidmüller switch itself. In this way, the user can essentially sit on top of the Weidmüller switch and
send ping commands out through its ports.
To use the Ping function, type in the desired IP address (ICMPv4 or ICMPv6), and then click
The payload size of the ICMP packet (8 to 1400 bytes) as well as its number can be programmed by
the user. The sequence number and roundtrip time will be displayed upon reception of a reply. The
page refreshes automatically until responses to all packets are received, or until a timeout occurs.
3.15 PTP Synchronization
IEEE Std 1588-2008 specifies the second generation of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which is
also known as “PTPv2” or “1588v2”. This is capable of very accurate time synchronization by using
special Ethernet hardware that records the exact time a PTP synchronization message is received at
the Ethernet card. It achieves clock accuracy in the sub-microsecond range, in contrast with
NTP/SNTP protocol that achieves an accuracy around 1ms.
IEEE Std 1588-2008 defines a number of terms for PTP time synchronization systems:
Grandmaster clock
: The clock that is the ultimate source of time for synchronization using
PTP and usually has a GPS receiver built-in
Master clock
: A clock that is the source of time that other clocks on the network synchronize
Slave clock
: The end user of PTP (ex: Protection Relay)
Transparent clock
: An Ethernet switch that measures the time taken for a PTP
synchronization message to transit the device and provides this information to clocks
receiving the PTP event message
Boundary clock
: A clock that has multiple PTP ports and may serve as a source of time, i.e.
be a slave clock to an upstream source and a master clock to downstream devices
Ethernet switches in a PTP network will generally be transparent clocks but it may also be possible
for them to act as boundary clocks. Weidmüller switches can be programmed for both operation