Wecon VD2 SA Series Servo Drives User Manual (Full V1.0)
WECON technology Co., Ltd
10.2 Handling of faults and warnings during operation
10.2.1 Overview
The faults and warnings of Wecon VD2 series servo drives are graded according to their severity,
which can be divided into four grades: Category 1, Category 2, Category 3, Category 4. Severity
level: Category 1> Category 2> Category 3 > Category 4, the specific classifications are as follows:
Category 1 faults cannot be cleared;
Category 2 faults are clearable;
Category 3 faults are clearable;
Category 4 warnings are clearable.
Among them, "clearable" means that the panel stops the fault display state by giving a "clear
signal". The specific operations are as follows:
Set the function code P10-03=1 (fault clearing) or use DI function 02 (02-A-CLR, fault and warning
clearing) and set it to logic valid, which can stop the fault display on the panel.
The clearing method of category 2 and category 3 clearable faults: first turn off the servo enable
signal (set S-ON to OFF), then set P10-03=1 or use DI function 02.
The clearing method of category 4 of clearable warnings: set P10-03=1 or use DI function 02.
For some faults and warnings, you must change the settings to eliminate the causes before they
can be cleared, but clearing does not mean that the changes take effect. For the changes that need
to be re-powered to take effect, the power must be re-powered. For the changes that need to be
stopped to take effect, the servo enable must be turned off. After the change takes effect, the
servo drive can operate normally.
Associated function codes:
Defaults Range
0: No operation;
1: For clearable faults, after the cause
of the fault is removed, and write 1 to
the function code, the drive will stop
the fault display and enter the Rdy (or
RUN) state again.
Note: If the servo S-ON is valid, when
the fault is removed and cleared, the
servo will directly enter the Run state.
When performing fault clearing actions,
be sure to stop sending control
instructions such as pulses to ensure
personal safety.
Associated function number:
Function code Name
Function name
A-CLR Fault and warning clearing Invalid, do not reset faults and warnings
Effective, reset faults and warnings;
VD2 series servo drives have a fault recording function, which can record the last 5 faults and the
last 5 warning names and the status parameters of the servo drive when the fault or warning
occurs. After the fault or warning is cleared, the fault record will still save the fault and warning.