Quick Instruction, Version 1.0
Page 18 of 43 pages
Weatherdock AG Sigmundstraße 180 90431 Nürnberg
Tel.:+49 911 376638-30 www.weatherdock.de
If the status is “broken” or invalid format” you have to format the SD
Card once again with the easyRX. All stored data on it will be erased.
Being formatted with the easyRX you can remove the SD Card at any
time without losing any data. In case of power loss the latest received
data will be kept on the SD Card.
With your easyRX you get the possibility of recording data to the SD-
Card. All Data from the NMEA0183 and the USB will be recorded.
That means that all AIS-Messages together with the GPS-Information
will be saved.
You can analyze this data with special software. So you can see your
ship and all other vessels around.
Please use SD-Card with a capacity from 1 to 2 GB. Higher capacity is not
supported. We recommend SD-Cards from "SanDisk " for best