Wayfarer 150:
Drivers Handbook
Welcome to our Addon London update. One key feature of this update is our fully-simulated
Wayfarer 150 ETM. In this handbook you can find instructions on how to Sign On, Sign Off,
and more.
This manual outlines every feature of our Wayfarer 150 rendition. It also goes into complete
depth on how to use the machine as intended. This manual is lengthy, so if you don’t want to
read it all, please see
for short videos showing you how
to correctly use the machine.
With that said, if you are an advanced user or you know what you are doing and want to get
started as quickly as possible, the
Driver Number
and the
Throughout the manual, you may see “enter any digits 1-3”, these are things Addon London
doesn’t simulate, however, if you have a real life running board, you can find all the info on
there and use those numbers instead.
If you just want a quick brief, see the next page.