The Watts Radiant Staple Gun is a pneumatic (air-pow-
ered) tool. To operate correctly, the staple gun requires an
air compressor capable of delivering 100 psi. Each tool is
designed and sold only for the purpose of installing Watts
Radiant’s Onix, RadiantPEX, or WaterPEX radiant tubing, and
must not be used for any other purpose.
If you experience more than one or two punctures, then
either the gun or your installation procedures may be faulty.
Please call Watts Radiant for assistance before proceeding.
Watts Radiant recommends replacing radiant tubing that
has been punctured. However, if you choose to repair the
puncture, always use a Watts Radiant repair kit. This kit has
been carefully selected to give you a trouble-free splice joint
if used as directed. Refer to the appropriate Watts Radiant
manuals and guidelines for technical assistance to this pro-
cedure. Watts Radiant cannot warrantee field splices, as the
installation is not under our supervision. This kit has been
carefully selected to give you a trouble-free splice joint if
used as directed.
Please refer to Watts Radiant’s product warranties.
Do not operate this tool before reading the following
cautions and instructions on the front and back of this
Guideline. Misuse of this tool can cause serious injury or
death. If you are unclear about its proper use, please call
your supplier or call Watts Radiant at 800-276-2419 for
further instructions before using. Return this tool directly to
your supplier if it appears to be in need of repairs.
This tool may fire when you first connect or dis-
connect the air hose.
Be sure that the tool is unloaded or
pointed in a safe direction before connecting/disconnecting
an air hose to it.
Remember that any pneumatic staple gun is exactly
that — a gun.
It shoots staples at a velocity sufficient to kill
or permanently injure you or anyone else within range. Never
point this tool at anything except a piece of tubing you want
to permanently fasten down. Never squeeze the trigger when
your finger, hand, or any part of your body is in front of or
close to the firing head.
Always wear safety glasses with side shields while
operating this tool.
Other workers or visitors to the jobsite
must wear adequate eye protection if they are within range
of the tool. There is always a possibility that a staple may
ricochet off a nail or knot in the subfloor and injure you or
a bystander.
The staples are capable of ricocheting off any wood sur-
face unless the gun is correctly positioned over the tubing.
Do not attempt to staple into knots, even if you must
extend the staple spacing. Never attempt to staple into
concrete, metal, or any nonwooden sur face.
Use the correct staple gun and quality Watts Radiant
staples to prevent tool jamming and tubing punctures.
Watts Radiant uses a specially-modified Senco gun for
stapling Onix, RadiantPEX, and WaterPEX. Guns are clearly
labeled as are all boxes of Watts Radiant staples. Use of the
non-Watts Radiant staples can cause accidental punctures
during the installation. Please call Watts Radiant or your
distributor, if you are not sure how to proceed.
Occasionally a staple will misfire and puncture the tubing
when the staple clip is down to the last 5 to 10 staples.
Always check to see if the clip is getting low, and insert a new
clip to avoid this potential problem.
Before beginning the installation, please refer to
the plans supplied by Watts Radiant or its representatives
with all associated design information.
We recommend you
read all appropriate Watts Radiant Installation Manuals and
Guidelines before beginning.
4500 E. Progress Place
Springfield, MO 65803-8816
USA and Canada: 800-276-2419
Phone: 417-864-6108
Fax: 417-864-8161
Web: www.wattsradiant.com
Staple Gun Product Usage Guidelines
Impor tant Instructions and Precautions Regarding Watts Radiant’s
Staple Gun.
Copyright © 2005 Watts Radiant, Inc.
Staple Gun Usage Guidelines
Effective: 03/22/2005
Senco Staple Gun for stapling Onix, RadiantPEX, and WaterPEX.