Watts TK-DL
The following test procedure is one of several that is recognized
throughout the United States for testing backflow preventers.
The procedure is not a specific recommendation. The Watts series
of test kits are capable of performing any of the recognized backflow
test procedures.
Complete this preparation before starting the test sequence on the
backflow assembly.
1. Open test cock No. 4 and flush test cocks No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3.
2. Close test cock No. 4.
3. Turn on the tester before connecting the hoses. The tester must
read all zeros.
4. Close VA and VB.
Test No. 1 - Relief Valve
1. Install the high-side hose between test cock No. 2 and tester
connection A.
2. Install the low-side hose between test cock No. 3 and tester
connection B.
3. Open test cock No. 3 then VB. Now open test cock No. 2
slowly, then VA. Close VA then VB.
4. Close shutoff valve #2.
5. Observe the apparent first check valve differential pressure (A - B).
6. Install bypass hose between VA and VB. Open VB and bleed air
by loosening hose connection at VA. Tighten the hose connection
and close VB.
Push - Print Head (wait) then Push - Start Test
7. Open VA, then slowly open VB (no more than 1⁄4 turn). When the
relief valve drips, push the Hold button for 2 seconds. Record
the reading; must be 2 PSID or more.
Push - Stop Test
8. Close VA and VB.
Test No. 2 - Test Check Valve #2
1. Install the bypass hose between VA and test cock No. 4. Open
VA, then bleed air by loosening the hose connection at test cock
No. 4. Tighten the hose connection. Close VA.
Push - Start Test
2. Open VB to reestablish pressure within the zone. Close VB.
3. Open test cock No. 4, then open VA. If relief valve does not drip,
record second check valve as “close tight.”
Test No. 3 - Test Check Valve #1
1. Open VB to reestablish the first check valve dif fer en tial pressure.
Close VB. Record the pressure differential.
Stop Test (Push Stop Test twice)
2. Close the test cocks and remove the tester, return the assembly
to nor mal operating condition.
For additional testing information, refer to literature IS-TK-9A and
IS-TK-99E at watts.com.
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Series 994
Series 994
Series 994