The Wattage Mini-Max EP is distributed exclusively by Global Hobby Distributors 18480 Bandilier Circle, Fountain Valley, CA 92728
All contents copyright © 2001, Global Hobby Distributors Version V1.0 March 2001
Thank you for choosing the Wattage Mini-Max EP for your next E-power project. The Mini-Max EP is
a small, lightweight, slow-flying electric-powered airplane built specifically to be flown indoors or in small
fields or parks - even in your backyard!
The Mini-Max EP features a prebuilt sheet-foam fuselage, molded foam wing panels and sheet-
foam flying surfaces that add up to make a lightweight, yet durable structure that is very easy to repair
in the event of a mishap. And because it is lightweight, performance using the included 280 size motor
and gear box is excellent. The airplane can fly very slowly, yet has enough power for loops and other
simple aerobatics. Because of its broad flight envelope, the Mini-Max EP is a perfect choice for both the
experienced pilot and for those just learning to fly.
When you open the box, you will notice that you won't have much left to do or to purchase to finish
your new airplane. The Mini-Max EP includes a 280 size motor with a gear box, a propeller, threaded wire
pushrods, clevises, control horns, a prebent landing gear wire, custom lightweight wheels and a colorful
decal sheet.
We hope you enjoy your new Wattage Mini-Max EP as much as we have enjoyed designing and
building it for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We have also
included a product survey in the back of this manual. After you have finished assembling the Mini-Max EP,
please take a moment to fill it out and send it to us. We always enjoy hearing any comments or suggestions
that you may have.