B.6 Connecting liquid waste lines
To ensure that waste materials are safely drained to the waste container, connect both the bottle
tray and the mass spectrometer’s drain cup to the waste container.
Required materials
• Chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves
• Waste container
To connect the liquid waste line:
To avoid personal contamination with biologically hazardous, toxic, and corrosive
materials, wear chemical-resistant, powder-free gloves when performing this procedure.
1. Place a suitable waste container below the mass spectrometer.
To avoid distorting the drip tray or causing the drain cup to leak, restrain
the drain cup when attaching or removing the waste line.
2. Slide a drain line over the barbed fitting of the drain (located on the bottom, left-hand side
of the mass spectrometer, and on the base of the bottle tray).
Figure B–8: Connecting liquid waste lines
Drain cup
Barbed fitting
Drain line
To prevent leakage of biologically hazardous, toxic, or corrosive materials:
January 10, 2022, 715006200 Ver. 01 (previously released as Rev. A)
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