Audience and purpose
This guide is intended for individuals who install, operate, or maintain the Otto SPEcialist Positive
Pressure Manifold (PPM). It gives an overview of the technology and operation of this device.
Intended use of the Otto SPEcialist Positive Pressure Manifold
Waters designed the Otto SPEcialist PPM for use in solid-phase extraction (SPE) applications.
This device is not intended for use in diagnostic applications.
As a calibrating measure for this device, run the performance test detailed in the
Otto SPEcialist
Positive Pressure Manifold Installation Guide
Quality control
Routinely run three QC samples that represent subnormal, normal, and above-normal levels of a
compound. If sample trays are the same or very similar, vary the location of the QC samples in
the trays. Ensure that QC sample results fall within an acceptable range, and evaluate precision
from day to day and run to run. Data collected when QC samples are out of range might not be
valid. Do not report these data until you are certain that the instrument performs satisfactorily.
EMC considerations
ISM classification: ISM group 1 class A
This classification was assigned in accordance with CISPR 11 Industrial Scientific and Medical
(ISM) instruments requirements.
Group 1 products apply to intentionally generated and/or used conductively coupled radio-
frequency energy that is necessary for the internal functioning of the equipment.
Class A products are suitable for use in all establishments other than residential locations and
those directly connected to a low-voltage power supply network supplying a building for domestic
There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments
due to conducted and radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with the emission and immunity requirements described in the relevant
parts of IEC/EN 61326: Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use —
EMC requirements.
July 1, 2021, 715006867 Ver. 01
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