WATERMAID Cell is without water while it is switched on, hydrogen gas can build up,
heat may generate and the Cell casing may expand and turn white, until the gas sensor
switches the Cell off. This practice is NOT recommended.
N.B. Backwashing is the process whereby the water flow in the filter is reversed.
In reversing the water flow, the accumulated waste material in the filter is flushed out.
When no water flows through the return-to-pool or spa line, the WATERMAID Power
Supply should be switched OFF or set to the standby mode (refer to section 4).
At the beginning of the swimming pool season or every month for spas, the salt level
should be checked to ensure that it is 6000 ppm (0.6 %) for pools and 1000 to 3000ppm
(0.3%) for spas. A salt level of 9000 ppm is isotonic with body tissue, and in the case of
accidental immersion, will cause less damage to lungs and other body organs than water
without salt.
Pool water at the recommended 6000 ppm is near isotonicity and the water is pleasant
and does not irritate. Refer to section 3(ii) for adding salt.
Salt in the spa water at the recommended 1000 to 3000ppm is barely noticeable.
Salt should be replaced after water has been lost from the pool or spa in any way.
SALT IS NOT LOST by the electrolysis process or when water evaporates. It can be lost,
only in the following ways:
1. Backwashing - after 20 backwashes approximately 1 bag of salt is lost.
2. Pool or spa overflow (rainfall, flooding etc).
3. Splash out from bathers.
4. A leak in the pool or spa or in plumbing.
Each year, approximately one-third of pool water is lost so the salt level will need to be
adjusted accordingly. If an excessive amount of salt has to be added then the pool may
have a leak.
It is IMPORTANT to switch the Power Supply OFF or to standby mode while undissolved
salt is in the water. The best way to dissolve salt is to run the filter and pump (without the
chlorinator), which will circulate the water.
To reduce the amount of salt lost by backwashing for long periods of time, place the
garden hose, turned on full, into the skimmer box during backwashing.
The WATERMAID chlorinator and pump should run from late afternoon (e.g. 4pm)